王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

NY Queens District Attorney\'s Office Makes ANONYMOUS Calls?

(2020-08-27 13:59:09) 下一个
Aug. 27, 2020

Honorable Queens DA Katz and Office,

On Aug 10, 2020,I emailed this office for the possible initiation of criminal investigation to a series of murder-attempts veiled as workplace accident(s) and then medical "diagnoses" and "treatments" to me the victim. Recent days, I made several calls to (718) 286-6000, and sometimes the calls were transferred to somewhere, and I was only able to leave a voice message each time. Yesterday and today, a gentleman voice called my phone number and left a short voice message each time. His incoming calls showed as "Private number" of "Unknown", and each voice message directed me to call (718)286-6673, or to call (718)286-6578 if I am elderly. I am still in my 40's, but the injuries I sustained make my health much older than a normal edlerly. The Queens' DA Office Directory showed (718)286-6673 is for Auto Crime Task Force and Consumer Frauds. 
If this is the unit to handle the murder-attempts crime too, can somebody send me a WRITTEN instruction how to proceed for a formal criminal case alleged to the perpetrators? Because the current futile loop is when I call in, almost always it's a noisy phone voice quality from (718)286-6000 and nobody picks up at the transferred end. When somebody claiming to be from the Queens DA's office calls me, it always shows NO number on my cellular phone screen. How can I trust to talk to someone who only claims to be someone from somewhere over the ANONYMOUS phone call about sensitive serious matters while the frauds are quite rampant in such an ecosystem? 
Very truly yours,
Limin Wang
[Below is the Aug. 10, 2020 email]

Queens County District Attorney’s Office

125-01 Queens Boulevard

Kew Gardens, NY 11415

General Information: Info@queensda.org

Conviction Integrity Unit: CIU@queensda.org

Main Tel: (718) 286-6000


August 10, 2020, Monday

Re: Complicated Injury Case dragged on as NY State Workers' Compensation Case G2029240, Limin Wang, Date of Injure January 16, 2018


Honorable Queens DA Melinda Katz and the Office,

I hope this serious inquiry about my life and the justice has been sent to the right governmental agency.

I was injured from falling a 8-ft stepladder meticulously tampered with to be broken by the perpetrators while working at B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc., in Queens, NY, on January 16, 2018. The employer had been very vicious toward me for quite a long time and had attempted multiple times to seriously hurt or even kill me during work. Immediately after the Jan. 16, 2018 fall, the employer at all their levels and their later-known actual Workers’ Compensation insurance (administrator) Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. were avoiding, fabricating, denying, and taunting. The New York State Workers' Compensation System has been proved, through my two and a half years interactions with all other parties, to be a VICIOUS, MURDEROUS, and CORRUPT system. "All other parties" include the NYS Workers' Compensation Board itself, the almost untouchable-even-by-email-or-fax WC insurance TPA CCMSI, the almost INVISIBLE defense law firm Jones Jones, my former "representative" law firm Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, the many interacted-with "treating" or "IME" medical practices, and medical imaging "services". The two medical practices, New York Medical & Diagnostic Center, and New York City Medical & Neurological Offices, are the two main "treating" medical clinics, and were both referred to by my former lawyer's firm BCF. The medical professionals may be brandished as truth-representing “scientists” or human-saving “angels”, but in my case, many of them are “professional human-blood suckers”, because they can professionally deny, fabricate, twist, mislead, fraud, insult, injure, and even attempt further murders electrically, physically or chemically under the cover of “diagnoses” and “treatments”. Some of their problems have been reported to and seen in the eCase Folder, and a lot of details were included in my document titled The Pursuit of Truth and submitted to NYS WCB on Dec. 18, 2019. Yet the NYS WCB is time after time proven to function against me the injured worker and murder-attempts victim. Through their INTENTIONAL actions at the employment and later WC case stages, I have sustained SERIOUS head and spine (including the neck spine) injuries, and the WHOLE (including the four limbs) body has shown SERIOUS symptoms. What I have traumatically experienced in real life makes me decry such an EVIL SYSTEM and so many HUMAN SCUMS.

Well, the NYS WCB system still goes on, even WITHOUT ANY MEDICAL REPORTS DIRECTLY SUBMITTED from NYCMNO clinic to NYS WCB, about my several visits since Feb. 01, 2019. NYCMNO claimed to me that they (and their “billing company”) have always sent the “medical reports” to WCB directly. Feb. 01, 2019 was the day when the WCLJ Anthony Golden made a murmuring joke with the unknown defense attorney about "alleged murder", in front of my former "lawyer" Jeffery Feldman and me, in the hearing room before his declaration of the start of my case, and then WCLJ Golden claimed there is "no medical evidence" so he decided to suspend the compensation completely.

The current so-called ridiculous NYS Workers' Compensation Law and its practices practically make the murderous perpetrators free from punishment. I the victim have not seen the TRUTHFUL MEDICAL EVIDENCE in their “medical reports” from the "medical professionals" about the actual serious injuries I have sustained, while the professional murderous perpetrators have begun to blame my health symptoms for their personality and even physical assaults. It is also foreseeable that the perpetrators would late turn the so-called "medical services" sky-high charges on me the victim, while their "medical services" have been generally described above. This is probably their USUAL BUSINESS mode.


I wonder whether the Queens District Attorney Office is the right governmental agency to start to take a serious look at this complicated murder-attempts case veiled as work "accident" and then as medical "diagnoses" and "treatments".

I hope the government authority can put both its and my credibility on mutual tests and send me for HONEST and HIGH-RESOLUTION MRI imaging on my HEAD and the WHOLE SPINE (including the neck spine) for the factual medical evidence. I would like to have a copy of the WHOLE sets of MRI images, i.e., nothing blurry, foul-played, or even deleted.

I hope that the perpetrators in this case of premeditated and coordinated murder-attempts to me to be criminal-case JUSTICE-D, instead of to be administratively JUSTIFIED.

And I hope to get the real treatments and to gain any health recovery if practically possible. And I hope to at least have the FULL amount of (2/3 of the Average Weekly Wage before the injury, with the adjustment of the yearly inflation) wage-loss compensation for the whole time since date of injury.


Very Truly Yours,


Limin Wang

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王利民 回复 悄悄话 Found a typo, "Private number" of "Unknown" should be "Private number" or "unknown".