王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

NYS Workers\' Comp G2029240: Request For Assistance On The Three

(2020-04-27 17:31:15) 下一个

NYS Workers' Comp G2029240: Request For Assistance On The Three Justices

by Limin Wang

April 24, 2020


Re: Request For Your Assistance, NYS WCB# G2029240


NYS WCB, and Dr. Mehrdad Golzad,


I hope this writing is not a waste of your time or my time. I am bringing up some issues about appointments, medications, medical reports, and a working set of remedies to the deteriorating sequelae due to the injuries I have sustained.


The last visit to Dr. Mehrdad Golzad's office for "treatment" was Feb. 27, 2020. Dr. Golzad said the follow-up appointment to be in four months, and the follow-up appointment the front desk gave was on June 25, 2020, four months away. However, the "medical report" of the Feb. 27, 2020 visit includes lines: "Headache disability index was 90% consistent with complete disability due to cephalgia", "Follow-up evaluation in 2 months". An NYS WCB rule I happened to read says for continuing treatment the follow-up visit needs to happen within 90-days of the previous one. I was calling Dr. Golzad's office at (718) 454-2222 on April 22, 2020, and the front desk woman confirmed the clinic is open during the COVID-19 pandemic, but she was mostly not answering my call. May I be able to have an EARLIER appointment with the New York City Medical & Neurological Offices, set on a date within 90-days since Feb. 27, 2020?


There were some problems on some past appointments, with NYCMNO too, and my opponents have been imposing and blaming their such deliberate obstacles as my faults. The whole system is practically a denying and even a further-injuring system to an injured worker. It mounts the burden of presenting “medical evidence” on the injured worker, while the chain of “medical evidence” is totally controlled by such a system, not by an injured worker at all. An injured worker like me may not even be able to get an appointment from a WCB-authorized physician; And even if I the injured worker get the medical appointments, the WCB-authorized physicians would not diagnose, treat, or report the injuries without any significant bias towards the powers. Their written sentences often show the pathetic “professionalism”. For instance, the sentence “Headache disability index was 90% consistent with complete disability due to cephalgia.” on the NYCMNO’s 02/27/2020 narrative report is problematic to me, although the accompanying C-4.2 form report unambiguously fills 100 to the question “What is the percentage (0-100%) of temporary impairment. On April 22, 2020, the NYCMNO front desk woman was claiming a language difference between the clinic and me. I am using English, and it’s in English, with or without their deliberate accentvolumeusagespeed difficulty to me, that my opponents in this premeditated and coordinated murder-attempt case communicate with me. If a neurological clinic finds problem on my spoken-language impairment, then why the “medical reports” did not report any type(s) of aphasia? I wish that my writings, each with long painful effort, had communicated and would communicate well with English-users.


The two medications prescribed from the Feb. 27, 2020 visit are "Magnesium Gluconate 400 mg daily for headache prevention" and "Celebrex 100 mg p.o. b.i.d. p.r.n. for neck pain, back pain, or headaches." I don't know why the medical report states in such an intriguing way, "for neck pain, back pain, or headaches". Which one(s) of the OR list the NYCMNO really acknowledges and prescribes Celebrex (Celecoxib) for? I have neck pain, back pain, AND headaches. Although the clinic's name is relatively comprehensive, "Medical & Neurological Offices", I have been told multiple times this clinic only treats brain, not even the whole head, not any other body parts. NYCMNO often didn’t allow me the chance to talk complete of even just my traumatic brain symptoms, and their "medical reports" never included any symptoms from spine or many other important body sites. It’s so outrageous for the recent “medical reports” from NYCMNO to put their words up as if my words by stating, “His review of symptoms is remarkable for unsteadiness, photophobia, nausea, phonophobia, blurred vision and mood change.” That’s the exact quotation in content and form. What happened to the other and particularly more significant symptoms? I gave a printout statement of my symptoms to Dr. Mehrdad Golzad in person on the August 06, 2019 visit. To sum the symptoms up, I have sustained severe head and spine trauma, and a variety of symptoms have shown, spread, and deteriorated across all my vital systems and all over my body, through the levels of physiological, cognitive, and phycological. WHY the PHYSICIANS and the WHOLE SYSTEM (including the employer from different levels up to TriNet, governmental personnel and officials, business “insurances”, and “people’s” lawyers) can be so arrogant and deliberate to just ignore, filter, twist, and fabricate whatever and then designate whatever as the EVIDENCE recognized by these POWERS only? It’s a real ridiculous but murderous evil system. The perpetrators want to torture and/or murder me, and it will be my continuous struggle to reveal what an evil system it really is.


Back to the medications issue, what's the purpose to prescribe Celebrex (Celecoxib, 100 mg) again? which was prescribed by NYCMNO and delivered by Custom Rx before but had not helped on my headaches, neck pain, OR back pain. More than that, I was never told any serious (side) effect about the medications and my reported terrible effects from medications were generally not acknowledged by the clinic. Because of the mentioned reasons, and for my own safety of not being harmed further, I reject the repeatedly prescribed Celebrex (Celecoxib). For the mineral supplement magnesium, the female Medical Assistant's handwritten note on the plain index card wrote only "magnesium glycinate", without anything else. NYCMNO's DF-L1 request form of "Magnesium" on 03/20/2020 states its strength to 300 mg, changed from the 400 mg as shown in the NYCMNO reports (including the 02/27/2020 medical narrative attached to the DF-L1) and delivered by Custom Rx in the year 2018. Where shows the seriousness to a patient of such “treating”? I went out to check over-the-counter medications and saw Magnesium oxide at strength of only 250 mg, 350 mg, or 400 mg, but no 300 mg, so I bought the Magnesium mineral supplement of 250 mg strength. 


The DF-L1 form is titled “PROVIDER’S REQUEST FOR FORMULARY PRIOR AUTHORIZATION AND INSURER’S RESPONSE”. In its section of "Previously Prescribed Formulary Drugs", both questions, "Have any Formulary drugs been previously prescribed for this condition?" and "Has there been a previously denied prior authorization request for a substantially similar medication?", were shown with the selection of "No" by Dr. Mehrdad Golzad. At the end section, Provider’s Attestation, the forms print, “By submission of this request for approval of a non-formulary medication, I certify that my statements are true and correct. I am requesting this prior authorization before prescribing/dispensing medication that varies from the Formulary. In addition, I certify that I do not have a substantially similar request pending.” I am so baffled by these. Such DF-L1 form intends to showcase the necessity of the “insurance”? for a Formulary medication or a non-formulary on Earth? These two DF-L1’s seemed to be filed on March 09, and 20, respectively, 2020, AFTER the physician’s prescription date when I had the February 27, 2020 visit. During the visit, the female MA was saying that the Magnesium is just a mineral supplement, a non-formulary medication, for me to buy out of pocket, but the other medication is a formulary one. Now, by both DF-L1 forms and the WCB’s EC-325-L1F decisions, which I happened to see in the eCase folder but didn’t receive such information from anyone any other way, both Celebrex (Celecoxib) and Magnesium are designated as non-formulary medications. Since the beginning of this Workers' Comp injury case, this clinic NYCMNO has prescribed ten medications: 1. Boswellia, 2. Fioricet, 3. Sumatriptan succinate, 4. Topiramate, 5. Rizatriptan Benzoa, 6. Celebrex (Celecoxib), 7. Magnesium Oxide, 8. Baclofen, 9. Amantadine, 10. Gabapentin, and Custom Rx delivered seven medications, No. 2 – 8. If the DF-L1 forms filled by Dr. Mehrdad Golzad’s office are true of the answer “No” to the question, “Have any Formulary drugs been previously prescribed for this condition?", then why I had been prescribed by this treating clinic with the TEN non-formulary medications above for the condition of “post-concussion syndrome”? Has the WC insurance paid the charges of the medications delivered by Custom Rx? Has the ex-attorney’s law firm Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, LLC, done any real representation FOR me the injured worker on this case? Why the NYS WCB so often claimed that the insurer/self-insured employer/third-party administrator is non-responsive and then WCB in lieu of them sometimes made decisions/notifications for them such as the EC-325-L1F’s here? They are not supposed to be FRAUD businesses, are they? They do have physical addresses and personnel, don’t they? Why such non-responsive liability businesses do not suffer governmental consequences? Why instead me the injured worker has to sustain so many consequences from so many parties’ intentional or non-intentional doing or not-doing?  The insurer/self-insured employer/third-party administrator do have their attorney/representation from Jones Jones LLC (5 Hanover Square, #1001, New York, NY 10004), don’t they? Their representation is involved in this injury case since the beginning, and such representation had been kept as a secret to me by all other parties until late July of 2019.


By the way, what category of drugs the designer(s) of such a DF-L1 form may be taking when the section of Therapeutic Category exclusively carries such a line, “Is the request for one of the following therapeutic categories, o Narcotic  o Antianxiety  o Skeletal Muscle Relaxant  o None of the above”. Isn’t it psychiatric salt to the injury of the injured workers’ from this kind of Workers’ Compensation system? Based from my tragic real-life experience, I would suggest the whole ruling and ruining system add some specific choices such as  o Intentional Tort  o Murder Attempt Veiled as Workplace Accident   o Murder Attempt Veiled as Diagnosis or Treatment.


Leaving aside the SERIOUS issues on some content of the “medical reports”, I would like to confront here the submission issue of the “medical reports”. Since the drama of the February 01, 2019 hearing, I have not seen any direct submission of the “medical reports” (narrative or C-4.2) from NYCMNO to NYS WCB eCase Folder about my neurological visits to NYCMNO. It’s presumably the treating clinic’s legal responsibility to direct submit their medical reports. NYCMNO has demonstrated their previous capability of directly submitting “medical reports” and recent capability of directly submitting the DF-L1 forms about the medications, though. NYCMNO often told me that it’s NYCMNO’s “billing company” to produce C-4.2, and that’s how I often have the MODERATE difficulty in getting the C-4.2 reports from NYCMNO since Feb. 2019. Also, New York Medical & Diagnostic Center, the other “treating” clinic supposedly on all my other injuries except the cerebral trauma, dumbed so many almost one- or two-years-old “medical reports” at late 2019.  Where is the responsibility or credibility of a medical clinic and a governmental agency to a patient in an injury case? Also, how much truth such “medical reports” really convey? It’s the powers’ “freedom” to write whatever in their writings such as the “medical reports” from “treating” or IME physicians, “Rebuttal” from defense attorneys, and even Decisions from WCLJ’s.


The Decision of the 03/27/2020 REMOTE Hearing includes such lines, “The carrier has raised the issue of labor market attachment as the claimant has been found to have a partial disability.”, “The Claimant’s absence is excused due to COVID-19 emergency.”, “The Claimant to also contact Dr. Uh to provide his availability for testimony.”, “?ANCR CR to the neck and left elbow.” From where the powers have found me only to “have a partial disability”? I don’t succumb any bit to the so-called COVID-19 which has so overwhelmed some regional medical professionals and reportedly caused so many deaths. I did try to attend the REMOTE hearing via telephone since it is a legitimate way to me the claimant too, but the WCLJ Lucky Enobakhare never called me back. The hearing by a REMOTE form is made by NYS WCB due to Governor Cuomo’s shutdown of NYS. In my writing The Power of Evil, I have exposed how the corrupt dark SYSTEM has premeditated and coordinated the continuous murder attempts and medical evidence laundries, particularly about my NECK, so I have no intention to contact Dr. Benjamin Uh at NTMDC for any further “treatment” or “testimony”. Although all the medical professionals I met during this case have shown their arrogant attitude of “treating” patients as medicine-illiterates or even No-English animals, it’s time for me to DIRECTLY CONFRONT the perpetrators about the facts, truth, and justice, in a hearing or a trial, or via public media. My suffering from their deliberate torture and murder-attempts can NOT be justified by this kind of medical “diagnoses” and “treatments”, and a monetary compensation of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY US DOLLARS PER WEEK.


It’s a CRUEL JOKE to the ruled and ruined people of such an EVIL SYSTEM. My upcoming writing of The Pursuit of Justice will tell my real-life experiences of this complex injury case as a whole story. Their murder conspiracy has started prior to my January 16, 2018 fall from the meticulously-set 8-ft trap stepladder and continued all the way of this case. I want answers on truth and justice from all other parties in this premediated and coordinated murder case. I have been seriously injured, particularly to my central nervous system, by the perpetrators, although they have not succeeded in my immediate or quick demise yet. For so long, I have been requesting the related USA and Chinese government agencies for assistance on three justices: Health Recovery, Criminal Investigation and Punishment to Perpetrators, and Monetary Compensation. These three aspects of justice are supposed to be served by a government, aren’t they? From what the perpetrators have done to me along the years, including in this injury case, I am expecting their continuous old trend of all means of ruthlessness, including assassination or holding me up to let me die quickly or suddenly of the serious CNS injury. To my understanding, the danger source is at the state- or deep-state level. Thus, I have started to openly apply that I need to travel to another nation such as Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for real diagnoses and treatments. BY ALL POSSIBLE MEANS, I WANT THE TRUTH TO PREVAIL.

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