王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

NYS Workers\' Comp: Special Validation of Medical Visit to DPRK

(2020-04-12 18:36:49) 下一个

NYS Workers' Comp: Special Validation of Medical Visit to DPRK or Comfort

by Limin Wang

April 12, 2020. Sunday

Today is Easter. I am not a Christian, but I do have faith and do hope and request for help from real human messiahs and salvation army. On April 06, 2020, I sent the following letter to the U.S. Department of State, and even contacted the White House for President Donald J. Trump about my urgent need of medical visit to DPRK or Comfort. Sorry, Jesus, I have not seen you anywhere or have not learned how you have achieved resurrection. When I am still alive with my residual strength, I still believe in the fight for recovery.

136-09 59th Ave

Flushing, NY, 11355


Special Validation, U.S. Department of State


44132 Mercure Circle, P.O. Box 1227

Sterling, VA 20166-1227

April 06, 2020, Monday

RE: Special Validation of Medical Visit to North Korea or Hospital Ship Comfort

Honorable U.S. Department of State,

I am a victim of a series of premeditated and coordinated murder attempts veiled as workplace “accidents” (including my fall from the perpetrators’ meticulously-set trap stepladder (8-ft) on January 16, 2018) and then as medical “diagnoses” and “treatments” (including their hidden spraying of metallic powder to my face area prior to the X-ray imaging and MRI scan; electrical shocking while an electrode was attached also to my forehead during a Somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) test; sudden violent rotating my head and neck while I was told to rest prone and relaxed for chiropractic treatment; and prescribing many medications with some grave (side) effects).

The employer, its Workers’ Compensation (WC) insurance administrator, the employer/carrier’s defense law firm, their Independent Medical Exam physicians, the hardly available “treating” physicians, the MRI facilities, my former WC case attorney/law firm, as well as New York State Workers’ Compensation Board (NYS WCB) and NYS DOH Office of Professional Medical Conducts all have acted together with their respective roles to directly or indirectly harm me further and inflict injustice to this WC case. Therefore, by their premeditated and coordinated actions, the “medical records” in this WC case have been laundried by them pretty clean, while the sequelae of my head and spine (including neck) trauma have shown a plethora of severe symptoms on almost all my vital systems and all over my body.

Just like many other “treating” or IME physicians, the last remaining “treating” clinic wouldn’t even have the patience to listen to me the patient’s complaint of symptoms, but would include or exclude whatever in their “medical reports” at their discretion. For example, their most recent medical report about my February 27, 2020 visit wrote “complete disability due to cephalgia”, “temporary impairment 100%” and “follow-up appointment in 2 months”, but the actual follow-up was unchangeably made for FOUR months later, while WC law requires a follow-up visit within 90-days for continuing treatment. The personnel from NYS WCB and these WCB-authorized clinics all know the WC rules, but would even knowingly and coordinatingly play on the medical appointments or WCB hearing schedules to taunt and torture me. The most recent WCB hearing was scheduled on March 27, 2020, 9:00 AM, 30 Min. Due to NY Governor Cuomo’s order on the COVID-19 pandemic, the WCB has been closed to the public.  I called (844) 337-6301 to attend the REMOTE hearing by phone, because it is written as one of the legitimate ways. I was told to wait for the WCL Judge to call me back. The WCLJ never called me. When I called a 2nd time about 3 hours later, I was told the hearing had been completed. A week later, I got the Decision in mail, which included such FAKE-RECORD lines, “The carrier has raised the issue of labor market attachment as the claimant has been found to have a partial disability.” and “The Claimant’s absence is excused due to COVID-19 emergency.” What creditability such an evil system has on facts, truth, and justice to the injured worker? The defense law firm’s attorney lady had multiple times attended such WCB hearings remotely over the phone while I had been attending in person. 

The NYS governmental agency WCB has been functioning as such a ruthless, corrupt, and murderous ruler to me on this injury case. Instead of the expected health recovery, criminal justice, and financial compensation, these conspirators have been delivering their continuous murder attempts to me. Some specifics have been written and made available to this NYS WCB case G2029240 and my online blogs such as blog.wenxuecity.com/myoverview/58770/ and blog.mitbbs.com/wanglimin. Some of my recent documents/posts are titled as The Power of Evil, How Alpha 3T MRI Fouls Even on the DVDs, Youtube Video of the Nov. 08, 2019 IME by Dr. Robert S April, The Pursuit of Truth. More to come.

The symptoms from my sensory, motor, cognitive, physiological, psychological aspects have generally gradually worsened and broadened since the workplace injuries at the last employment. Simple long sitting, standing, or walking can exacerbate the symptoms to an extreme level. I was never so in pain, feeble, dizzy, drowsy, numb, etc. I was given and taking two full-time slaves’ toil with one entry-level slave’s legal minimum wage plus the pay of six or seven hours overtime every week. My “wife” has been psychiatrically sick and unemployed since her twice desertions in year 2014 seduced by her elder sister and other conspirators, including some from governments. My children are still too young to earn a living in such a realistic cannibalism environment. I have to recover from my injuries, but I have been left this way to die quickly or suddenly with the current price-tag of a meagre ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS PER WEEK compensation rate retroactive back to February 02, 2019. I live in the costly New York City, and the whole family of four depend on my income. Although the Social Security Administration has reconsidered my SSD benefit application and I am also currently receiving $860 per MONTH on the SSD, I expect the federal government to help me on the pursuit of three justices: health recovery, investigation and punishment on the perpetrators as in a criminal case, and financial compensation.

Due to the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic, the naval hospital ship COMFORT has been deployed to New York Harbor to help on patients. Is it a frantic inquiry whether I can board COMFORT to have an honest and high-resolution MRI done on my head and the whole spine and thus to have a true medical base to set out for the justices under the related Departments’ authority? The perpetrators’ diagnostic imaging of X-ray and MRI so far on me has shown many kinds of their blatant fraud such as deleting key images, making images blurry, giving blank or dysfunctional or malfunctional CD or DVD’s, claiming in their “findings” of “no fracture” or “no intracranial bleeding.” If boarding COMFORT for MRI is impossible to me, then I ask DOS for the Special Validation of medical-needed travel to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Although I am a Chinese naturalized into an American since September 2018, the Chinese government would not help me despite my repetitive requests for help and regardless of my Chinese or American citizenship. The DPRK’s UN Mission answered me over my phone inquiry that I must ask DOS for permission first. Here I come.


Very Truly Yours,


Limin Wang


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