王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

NYS Workers\' Compensation Case: The IME by Dr. Robert S. April

(2019-11-08 06:18:59) 下一个

NYS Workers' Compensation Case: The IME by Dr. Robert S. April was rescheduled to Nov 08, 2019

Nov 08, 2019

by Limin Wang

The so called Independent Medical Examine (IME) set up by the employer/insurance on me was rescheduled from Nov 14, 2019 10:30 AM to Nov. 08, 2019 (Fri) 12:30 PM. It is just another Insurance Managed Evasion (IME).

The evil system has been manipulating my electronic devices. Recently, I have found my audio and video files recorded have run into some difficulties. They hope the victim me has no way to show to the outside world any video or audio related to this whole premediated and coordinated murder attempt and coverup case.

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王利民 回复 悄悄话 It was quite dramatic! Dr. Robert S April set up many so called rules for the IME to run the sham way set out by the employer/insurance/IME vendor.
Details will be revealed later.

Including an Indian looking male doctor (I searched online and identify him as Dr. Charles Saha of Park Avenue Medical Professionals) coming to forcefully wrangle my phone and my left hand and wrist. This almost escalated into a big brawl. It's about business, about my life, and I had to talk there with Brookside Consultants, Inc. (120 Madison Street, Suite 100, Chittenango, NY 13037) about their scheduled IME and the multiple situations. Police and EMS were in, and left with neither further struggle nor solution to anything.
王利民 回复 悄悄话 The post card was marked red on Oct 23, 2019, and black on Nov 01, 2019, more than a week apart, in the same Syracuse, NY region. The post office is involved too?