
[山民进城] 伦敦泰晤士之旅(组图)

(2013-06-12 19:28:58) 下一个

到了伦敦泰晤士河,自然要坐一坐 city cruise. 泰晤士河并不宽,水深不深不清楚。但“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵”。河上的大桥小桥,两边的大楼小楼, 肯定给泰晤士河增添了许多名气。这篇就看看两边的建筑和河上的桥。我们坐的 city cruise,从 Westminster 上船,坐到 Tower of London, 下船后换一个船,再坐回来。

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2)回头看, 是国会大楼


4)开船了。对面是水族馆和 London Eye.

5) 近看水族馆

6) 再看 London Eye

7) 回头再看国会大楼和旁边的地铁站



10) 这个楼上面是个一间房的旅店。200英镑一晚,但是要预约。要等好几个月。

11) National Theater

12) 泰晤士河水到底有多深?

13) 这又是个什么楼?

14) 右边是圣保罗大教堂

15) 看看桥墩

16) 圣保罗大教堂

17) 莎士比亚环球剧院

18) The "Hand Grenade" Building

19) 海盗船

20)The Shard:London's Tallest Building

21) London Bridge



24) 船坚炮利

25) 近一点看:

26) Tower Bridge

27) Tower of London

28) City Hall (The Land Mine Building)

29) 那圆锥是不是人民日报伦敦记者站?

30) 断桥

31) 伦敦桥

32) 伦敦的桥


34) 又一座伦敦的桥

35) 再来一座伦敦的桥

36) Waterloo Bridge (Ladies Brdige - built mostly by ladies)


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湘西山民 回复 悄悄话 回复忘记你忘记我的评论:
A Room for London:


A Room for London on top of the Queen Elizabeth Hall, ‘as if stranded there by a receding deluge’.

One Thames project that has happened is A Room for London, a boat-like object perched high on the roof of the Queen Elizabeth hall at the Southbank Centre, as if stranded there by a receding deluge. Where many Thames proposals want to put things of land on to water, this puts something riverine – a boat – on to land. It is a temporary structure, a cross between building and sculpture, by the architect David Kohn and the artist Fiona Banner. It contains a single hotel room which anyone can in theory book, if with rather more difficulty than Olympic tickets. When nights for the first six months were made available they sold out in 12 minutes; the next batch goes on sale on Thursday.
忘记你忘记我 回复 悄悄话 200英镑一晚的酒店叫啥名字? 谢谢~
湘西山民 回复 悄悄话 回复巍巍太行的评论:
巍巍太行 回复 悄悄话 谢谢分享,旅途愉快。
湘西山民 回复 悄悄话 回复南国铁树的评论:
南国好。没买 London pass. 买门票的时候倒也拿到一些折扣。
南国铁树 回复 悄悄话 谢谢好图分享!
湘西兄有没有买London Pass?