
纤云弄巧,飞星传恨, 银汉迢迢暗渡.


(2006-07-21 16:59:33) 下一个
•  偶看到的学生都很穷,你这是哪个学校? -砸飞星(0 bytes) (28 reads) 2005-08-19 
•  死贪腐,噎掳,扑邻死蹲,都是贵族。 -平民不懂(0 bytes) (27 reads) 2005-08-19 
•  你以为贵族学校的学生都这么大方的吗?:)) -wiser56- ♂ 给 wiser56 发送悄悄话 wiser56 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (23 reads) 2005-08-19 
•  remember flyingstar said this -nextdoor..- ♀ 给 nextdoor.. 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (461 bytes) (47 reads) 2005-08-20 
school is a so so school, can't be 贵族学校. Even in 贵族学校, students can't be that da4 shou3 da4 jiao3. I've been to 死贪腐 taiwanese party for new year celebration,na4 jiao4 yi1 ge4 xiao3 qi4!I remember there is similar plots only in qiong2 yao2's old novels. Students from mainland won't have such fancy idea as "bid for dancing prince" ba..., only those lao3 mei3 may have...

Sorry, flyingstar ;P

btw, Feng chao is so cunning, kaka.

•  不是天天竟投呀.偶而一次,大手大脚一下还是可以承受的:) -飞星- ♀ 给 飞星 发送悄悄话 飞星 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (23 reads) 2005-08-19 
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