
我是秋云 (热门博主)
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(2025-02-06 16:35:32) 下一个
烏克蘭:美國納稅人援助金匯給澤連斯基的錢中有 58% 根本沒有到達烏克蘭會怎麼樣?它去哪了?中央情報局從中抽取了分成嗎?烏克蘭官員和將軍是否從中分得了屬於自己的那份?大個子得到他平常的那份了嗎?如果澤連斯基的說法屬實——華盛頓向他提供的 1,77多億美元中他只收到了 75 億美元——接下來會發生什麼?我們是聳聳肩繼續前行,還是最終要求答案和責任?
推動任命一名監察長來審計美國流向烏克蘭的數十億美元援助——因為他們清楚知道正在發生的事情。數百萬,甚至數十億美元的資金被挪用。如今,烏克蘭自己也承認,其高級軍醫竊取了超過100萬美元,過著皇室般的生活。還有多少消失。May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'AMUSES POSCRINS @ SMOTRI @SMOTRI_MEDIA MEDIA that America gave Ukraine hundreds of billions, 177, to be more precise. AMUSE POLITICS ZELENSKY ADMITS 58% OF US AID DOLLARS ARE MISSING The US has sent Ukraine more than $177 billion in aid, but Zelensky now admits that Ukraine only received $75 billion. He doesn't know where over $100 billion went. Senate Democrats blocked the appointed of a Special Inspector General to ensure the funds were accounted for appropriately- now they're missing. 1:03 SUBSCRIBE το AMUSI ACCURACY CONFIDENCE LOW'May be an image of money and text that says 'AMUSE X CQ a O SUBSCRIBE ON CЛyЖ6A CЛy 6A POLITICS UKRAINE'S TOP ARMY DOCTOR STOLE $1M+ FROM US TAXPAYERS Ukraine has detained its army's chief psychiatrist for his theft of more than $1 million. Ukraine will NOT release his name but revealed that he owned three apartments in Kyiv and Odesa, two plots of land, several BMWs, and more than $152,000 in cash. SUBSCRIBE TO AMUSE- ACCURACY CONFIDENCE: NORMAL'May be an image of 3 people, the Oval Office, newsroom and text that says 'AMUSE IVESCRISE ONE ? SMOTRI @SMOTRI_MEDIA MEDIA Thati is, 100 billion of these 177, 177,or200,som or 200, some people even say, we have peopleevensay,wehaveneverecaved never received. AMUSE-'
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