  • 博客访问:

2010/4/20 Tue

(2010-04-19 20:53:11) 下一个
好久没写东西,手生得很,又懒得很。凡事贵在坚持,一旦中断,再捡起来总是难。同样的道理也可应用到gym,刚从澳洲回来的时候停了一个月,最近重新开始,但总是去得很艰难,理由很多,例如,天气太差,我太累,鞋不好走,换衣服麻烦...每个月会费不便宜,再难也要坚持去,而且我对发胖的后果极度恐慌,女人为了美可以忍受各种痛苦,LOL. 最近我已经开始对晚餐的内容和量进行控制,水果和半盒yogurt,实在不行,再加块儿点心。因为公司和怡的公司很近,周五经常有时间一起吃饭,她一直在为发胖而愁。我提议她运动,她说不行,太懒;又提议她节食,晚餐少吃,她说没有肉她睡不着... 怡自嘲的说,她的身体已经做好了怀孕的准备,肚子上的脂肪都堆好了,HA!

工作不算辛苦,虽然忙,但觉得很充实。我并不在意忙,只是怕being bored, so far this job didnt bore me yet. 这很难得,我以为我不会很喜欢support job, cos I am not very patient for people when they dont get the idea right away. 但是这一回,难得我可以很耐心的解答users的各种问题,even though some questions are way too dumb. 工作氛围很轻松,自己把自己手头的事情做好,就一切都好,这是我最喜欢的;上司也不错,a little weird, but very nice guy, 每周有和上司1对1的一次meeting,可以谈各种想法,或者意见。从上司那儿听了不少关于team的八卦,有点意思。Team里的其他人,都很有特色,以后有时间慢慢写吧。对工作,我很满意,这大概是这些年来我第一次以很认真的态度来对待工作。30而立,我试图让自己变得更有计划性和责任感,未尝不是一件好事。

和Dave还是一样,我回家早,他还没有睡觉的话,就聊天,随便聊,没什么特定话题。眼看就要5月了,他的东西似乎也处理得差不多,只剩下车还没有卖出去。该准备办签证了,working holiday应该很容易。不知道Dave怎么想,大概他很少想,cos he is such a simple guy, and its why I enjoying time with him, 但是我,偶尔会想,虽然大部分时候都很positive, 但也不是完全没有一丝疑虑的。他为我而来,不管怎样,我都是要负责任的,而责任通常都不是part of fun. Who knows, we have to give it a chance, right? Life is a big gambling game, we take the risk, and hope for the best reward. Plus, I think there is no any loss for Dave to move to Tokyo, he still young, might have a lot potentials, and Tokyo is a giant city with opportunities. Come to try his luck, anyway it would be better than being stuck in a small town with boring life, right? I think this is a very fair offer for him, but at the same time, I am afraid that the differences between us might show up more vividly once we start to live together. So far we didnt argue much, even there were small arguments once a while, we both could take a step back, and compromise a bit for each other, which was quite good. I hope we could keep this way, and I have a lot things that I wanna do in life, hopefully he could catch up with me, which is very important for our relationship to work out.

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