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12/10 Thursday

(2009-12-09 15:31:51) 下一个
Austrralia is a wonderful country, so far I love it. Thursday morning, I woke up at 7:30am, its really amazing that my sleeping problem has been cured here, finally could have my daily schedule like normal people, not vampire any more. My friend Jason is still sleeping, and his sister April and her bf Ryan had gone for work, so I have a great morning just for myself, right, and Angel, the lovely huge home dog who eats everything I am eating. I never had a dog, but I thought dogs are supposed to eat meat, dont u??? NO MORE CRUMPETS FOR U, ANGEL!

I made hot coffee for myself, some crumpets with strawberry jam. Warm weather, relaxing, with TV on, and I can sit down to start writing my blog, what else I could ask for? Yesterday Jason showed me the Mornington National Park, which is incredibly beautiful with the views, we walked around, and had lunch at beach side, I got sunburnt at the first day, my left arm kinda hurts now. When we got back home, Jason went to work, I had a jogging around the neighbor area, didnt actually go for a jogging for a long while, felt good to run again. The house is abt 40mins drive away from the melb city, quiet neighborhood, nothing much to do, totally different from big cities like Tokyo, but surprisingly I do enjoy here quite much. Today I will go up to the city, check out a bit, and maybe next week will stray in melb city for a couple days. That is the plan I have so far, and we will see.

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