我活着回来了... 掉了一层皮, 准确的说, 是正在掉. 只有一天, 忘记涂防晒霜, 就被晒脱了皮. 别看冲绳的天气不够热, 但阳光还是够强. 我的运气不错, 虽然偶尔阴天, 但总的来说, 还是天天阳光明媚.
觉得该写点什么, 但是不知道从何说起. 我和Kevin在一起整整一周, 竟然两个人还都活着, 没有"互相残杀", 真是个奇迹. Well, it doesnt mean that we didnt have good time, actually we did, most time we were very happy to be with each other. But sometimes, I would rather just be alone, and I am sure he feels the same too. There were lots of dramas, argument, tears, curses, missed ferry, missed flight... But after all, we survived, and still love each other, thank god, lol.