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12/20 Sat

(2008-12-19 09:40:45) 下一个
In a huge emotional hole, trying so hard to rescue myself... but seems just sinking more and more. Could things be worse? I really dont know...

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jgey 回复 悄悄话 thank you for your guys :)
clee 回复 悄悄话 You need to keep on saying that you are going to get out of this, that you CAN, and will. Believe you will. Imagine the kind of life you want, and know you will have that. Make small goals, that you can do now. go outside more, even if only for a few minutes in the morning. Try doing a positive thing for yourself (start exercising, stop drinking, eating better etc), to make you realize you're worth living, that you are worth something. See a therapist, you need to talk this out, and have someone to help you see clearly (depression breeds distortion). Also, to help you pick men better.
If you meet another man you feel absolutely crazy/lustful about, you can probably trust that he's not a good man for you. Find men who are healthy, and can accept intimacy/commitment, and who will nurture you, physically, verbally, emotionally, etc.
Think about a life where you have new people - friends who care about you, a non-abusive lover, a contented life doing the things you want to do. Good luck. !!
aprilwind 回复 悄悄话 不会的!一切都会过去,只是时间问题而已。不是安慰你,是真的。我自己刚经历了和你非常类似的经历,过程非常艰难,现在又一切如常了。生活还在继续!

aprilwind 回复 悄悄话 不会的!一切都会过去,只是时间问题而已。不是安慰你,是真的。我自己刚经历了和你非常类似的经历,过程非常艰难,现在又一切如常了。生活还在继续!
