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7/16 Wed

(2008-07-16 00:56:28) 下一个
I was woke up by Andrew's call at 10:30am. Andrew is my recruiter, or say, one of my recruiters, nice, friendly, bright blue eyes, with cute british accent. "Did I just wake you up?" He realized that from my lazy voice, even though I was trying to sound more cheerful. Lots of questions and info came along, no matter how sleepy I was. Well, Andrew is trying to get me into one of those consulting companies, which pay well, he mentioned that yesterday when I met him in person, and means if it works out, his commission would be quite good too.

Job hunting is always... suffering, stressful, and kinda the same routine, meet up with recruiters, arrange interviews, negotiate about pay... Its just business, people need to sell themselves for a good price or convenient conditions. I met with a big recruiting company on Monday, they have a quite cool office, but horrible attitude. The guy who responsible for my case is an indian, huge, and kinda dumb, he contacted me first, but when I called back, he couldnt figure out who I am, lol. And in the meeting, he kept asking me what I can do, not what I wanna do, err... I lost my interests almost right away. His coworker was even worse, I forgot his name, but anyway, he has this awful low voice, I think he might think that sounds sexy or something, but it just made me feel itchy under my skin, yuk! So after that awful meeting, I decided to have a few drinks in the bar close by, which is one of my favorite bars so far. The bartender was nice, gave me extra rum in my rum&coke, I was a little drunk before Dave showed up. Later, we kinda hungry, then grabbed a cab down to Roppongi for McDonald's cheesy burgers, I know thats crazy, but thats the kinda thing Dave would do, which makes him an awesome companion, I would never get bored with him.

I still talk with D, occasionally. He still in Shanghai, leaving soon though. For many times, he has been trying to tell me that he didnt and would never want to fool around there. Well, if he said so, I could believe it, or maybe I just dont care any more, but that is not the point at all. As Yi said, distance is not the problem for D and me, he is very self-interested, well, no judgement for that, I am a selfish person most time too. Lets just say, D is not the right one for me, I am more than 75% sure about that, I do like him very much, but I dont wanna make myself suffering in any sense.

And I just had a talk with Tom today, its his morning, my afternoon. Tom just got up, getting ready for work, in blue shirt, which is exactly the same color as his eyes, very fresh look. Tom is not even close to "handsome", compared with D, but I can see more in him, than just a pretty face, which means a lot more for me. We talked about my job hunting, and travel plan in September, hopefully everything would be going well by then. Tom said he needed coffee but too lazy to make it on his own, I said, "Well, you should get someone to do it for you then", he was laughing, "I know that someone hates to get up early in the morning." LOL... Who could hate mornings more than I do? But, "you know, things change, and people change too, maybe that someone could change for you", I was smiling to the cam, so was he. Why not? We all can change, just need to make sure that we do it for someone who is worth of it.

Ok, time to go swimming...
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