6/23 星期一
(2008-06-23 01:27:46)
昨晚躺在床上看欧洲杯, 意大利对西班牙, 后半场的时候我就睡着了, 再醒来已经是PK战, 西班牙成功出线, 我的预测超级准确, 应该去赌球, lol. 然后又一次睡着, 醒来, 迟到, 无所谓, 天蹋下来我都无所谓, 何况迟到... 老板S又要抓狂.
周六和高中同学聚会, 一个高中同学结婚, 怀孕, 为她庆祝的party. 好久没见到那么多高中的朋友, 大家在一起很开心, 不过话题大部分围绕两个主题, 一是工作, 二是家庭, 我都提不起兴趣来. 工作最近不顺利, 压力大得很, 我根本不想提, 至于家庭, 想谈我也得有啊?! 一个同学就快要当爸爸了, 忙着给怀孕的女生介绍经验, 要注意这个, 注意那个... 我听得有点头晕. 聚会的主角, 准妈妈, 在去年12月认识她现在的丈夫, 然后在3个月内火速结婚, 现在怀孕4个月. 真让人佩服, 我感叹得不得了, 晓在一旁对我说, "Jess, 结婚是需要勇气的, 象你这样东挑西挑的..." 我有东挑西挑吗? 后来, 准妈妈给我们看她在医院检查时拍的她肚子里的
baby影像, 3D, 4D什么的, 净是高科技. 可以清楚的看到baby的形状, 大脑袋, 小手, 还有腿, 4个月就可以看这么清楚, 我以前真的不知道, 大部分女生都充满母爱的讨论baby的手啊脚啊, I was kinda feeling that I wanna throw up, I just had dinner about 20 mins ago, and that little freaky alien look baby kinda scared me in a very strange way, no offense, I am sure that it would be a very cute baby. Anyway, I had great time with all my friends, except the weather really sucks.
昨晚我跟D聊天, 我很委婉的提出, 我们是不是可以考虑step back a little, well, breaking up... Cos I really think this long distance thing doesnt make much sense, and its suffering. A healthy relationship should be able to make me happy, if I am not happy, why I wanna do it? Just set each other free, it would be much easier for both of us. But D said, "Dont give up, keep trying..." LOL, I really dont know what we trying for, well, whatever then.
I wanna run away again, from Tokyo.
谁说有约就一定要有合同? 货比三家的道理听说过吧...
hehe... hopefully I would feel ready someday :) my friend is busy dealing with the little alien in her tummy, no time looking around here... I hope so, lol.
To sony008,
You will feel completely different by the time your are ready to become a mom yourself, so it's OK to feel the baby is "kinda alien like little thing", just make sure your friend wouldn't see your post, she'll kill you!!