  • 博客访问:

5/15 星期四

(2008-05-15 09:36:29) 下一个
终于回到家,一上网,满眼地震的新闻,看得触目惊心。在瑞士的一周里,没怎么上网,电视也很少看,因为是德语,看也听不懂,只是D在开车的时候听到广播里的新闻(也是德语),跟我提到一次“中国发生地震了”。没想到那么惨,能做到的只有捐款,愿伤者早日康复,愿死者安息。2008年真是... 不知道该怎么形容,短短5个月,从雪灾到地震,从拉萨骚乱到火炬传递的争议,不知道接下来还会有什么事情发生,真让人不安。

关于瑞士之行,我都不敢再开篇写游记,因为到目前为止,所有的游记都写得有头无尾,印尼之行只写到初见巴厘岛,那大概是5个月前的事情,上海游记,我已经彻底放弃,没有再写的感觉了。当然,80% is my fault,我比较懒,又很容易对事物失去兴趣,所以注定写不出什么长篇的东西,想到哪儿写到哪儿的方式比较适合我。

Well, Switzerland is heaven, and D is my angel... (might be the devil who breaks my heart down the way someday?) 最初的几天总有点在梦里一样的错觉,现在回到东京,更是confused,那种被无形的力量推着,却不知道what waiting for me ahead. 12 hous flight totally beat me down, now I am having headache, and still a little fever, even after the whole afternoon sleep. D and I, we are comitted to a relationship, a long distance one, well, honestly I am not 100% sure about this yet, it just came too fast and too dramatic, but seems he is very sure, so I am supposed to be sure too, somehow.

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