  • 博客访问:

10/15 星期一

(2007-10-14 22:38:25) 下一个
星期一, S开始full time, 要求9点到办公室, 我的happy days结束了.

上周, Kevin给我发了个e-invitation, 他的朋友Will在准备一个halloween party. 我看了看'I will go' list, 发现Dave的名字, 打电话问他, 他说他认识Will, well, small community. 看来不少人会去这个party, 我也打算去看看热闹, 顺便叫上Miho. Rob说Halloween要一起做Jack O'Lantern, 但我估计他不会想去这种"crazy" party, its not his style. 周三yoga结束后, 和Kevin一起吃晚饭. 听说他还在考虑和他女朋友分手的事情, 他说, "I need a proper reason." "Next girl." 我回答, Kevin笑, "Maybe... you right." 他给我看钱包里他和女友的大头贴, 很清秀可爱的小女生, 不知道Kevin怎么会觉得她"not attractive enough", 大概他喜欢sexy&hot type? 正聊着, Kevin的女友打电话来, Kevin说她每天晚上都会call, 我想, 看来小女生真的很喜欢他, 不过, "上敢子不是买卖".

昨天下午加班, 结束后和Dave一起吃晚饭, 然后在上野公园散步. 老习惯, 先聊工作, 接着是personal life. 我说Rob还在考虑, we are not exclusive yet, Dave说, "well, he doesnt wanna make a mistake, it takes time to commit." 我说我理解, I just realized there was something wrong with my dating pattern. It seems that I have only short-term passion for my date, I fall fast, and get over fast too, can hardly make any of them last long. "Yeah, you already got over me." Dave笑着说, 我也笑. 我觉得, Rob在考虑, 而我也应该更认真的考虑一下这件事, but its not easy for me to be super serious, its like a behavior pattern, tough to change, and how serious I need to be? And there is another issue, it seems that Rob wants a goody-goody lady, that is just so NOT me.

最近特别迷Nickelback的[Rockstar] video, 歌词有趣得很.

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