  • 博客访问:

10/9 星期二

(2007-10-09 02:45:09) 下一个
又是3连休, 这回不用加班, 很是难得. 周六, 我睡了一整天, 发现睡太多也不好, 头晕, 第N次下决心要早睡早起. 周日, 比周六起得早了一些, 12点半, 下午打扫卫生, 收拾夏季的衣服. 发现很久没穿过的JEANS, 大概是3, 4年前买的, size 1, 试了一下... 竟然扣不上! 这个打击实在是太沉重了, 郁闷很久, 并没觉得自己变胖很多, 但事实胜于雄辩, 看来要认真执行减肥计划了. 想当年, 我的JEANS都是size 00, 现在恐怕要沦落到size 2, 伤心欲绝.

周一, Rob要参加一个庆祝仪式, 说好大概3点结束, 然后来接我. 结果堵车, 一直到4点才到, 路上我跟他提到the jeans tragedy, Rob乐不可支, 说, "ok, young lady, dont be mad, I buy you a new pair of jeans." "The point is not about the jeans, I dont like the fact that I got fat." I replied. Later we had dinner at ROTI, the swordfish burger and fries, I finished all, even though I knew it would get me even fatter, just couldnt help, its so good! Guess I need to do more jogging, if I cant control myself with delicious food. Then went to his place, wached Nickelback's videos first which were actually awesome, I think I need to check out their new album. Cos I forgot to bring my DVDs, instead we decided to watch The Da Vinci Code together. We both have read the book, but Rob has never watched the movie, and I have just viewed a few clips of the pirate version which is quite bad. The movie is ok, well, not as good as the book, its tough to get the whole story into 2 hours film, I guess. Rob is Christian, he goes to church every sunday, and I am not religious, or say, my religion is not exclusive, I pray to any kinda god who can help me at the moment, LOL. But I am quite interested in the history of Christianity, well, just for curiosity, it seems full of legends and mystery. Rob was trying to explain the difference between Christian and Catholic, but I think I need a book for more details, he is a believer, so his views might have a bias.

And, last night is the first time of sleep over, what I expected didnt happen, but I got a preview, which was much better than I thought, now I am totally relieved, LOL. This reminds me of the scene in sex and the city, when Carrie started dating Aidan, "Carrie realizes that she's become used to skipping over romance and heading straight for sex, and that's why Aidan's slow and deliberate ways seems so strange", exactly! I have totally forgot there is something called romance, LOL. Anyway, Rob left early for a golf tournament, and I slept until the maid came, got to my office about 11am, surprisingly I was the first one, seems everybody is lazy here...

Time to go home.

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jgey 回复 悄悄话 我那晚根本没做梦诶...
clee 回复 悄悄话 同床異夢? 真是耐人尋味呀 @#$%
jgey 回复 悄悄话 errr...not really...its more complicated than I thought.
elpher 回复 悄悄话 恭喜你的思路终于别过来了...^_^