  • 博客访问:

8/21 星期二

(2007-08-21 03:15:19) 下一个
我的一句戏言, Robert的信真的到了, 4页, 全部手写, I really appreciate that. 于是, 约好周一一起共进晚餐. Robert是那种老派的gentleman, 约好时间来办公楼接我, 然后他的司机载我们去订好的餐厅. 餐厅是他选择的, 安静, 服务周到, 菜式多样, 当然价钱也不菲. 我们一边吃, 一边聊天, 天南地北, 无所不谈. 最新的电视剧, 最近读过的书, love, relationship, friends, family, cultures... I really enjoyed the conversation a lot, and the food too, the cream oyster soup was awesome. Robert给我看他女儿的照片, 非常可爱的女孩子, 笑容明朗, 眼神纯净, 一看就是那种有钱人家的单纯小孩. 他说女儿进college要选修children education, 我说那很好啊, 难道要个个读经济法律或医科double E才算出色; Robert说, "but what she can do after graduate? become a teacher for kids? it wont make money," 他顿了一下, "sorry, banker is always thinking about money." 我笑, 从来不缺钱的小女生当然不知道赚钱的重要性, "I wanted to become a coroner or an archaeologist, which can deal with something mysterious all the time, but eventually I chose double E, cos its much easier to get a job with a double E degree. Now I have to be sitting in front of a computer for the whole day, which is quite boring. "

我们从7点一直聊到10点半, 前菜, soup, main dish, dessert, 不知不觉全套course都吃遍了. Robert说他还想继续和我聊天, 但是司机住得很远, 不好意思让司机太晚回去. 我一愣, 完全不知道我们吃饭的时候司机竟然一直在楼下等, 觉得很是过意不去. 于是结帐, 下楼, Robert说他住处不远, 叫辆TAXI就好, 然后嘱咐他的司机把我送回家. 我对他的细心安排无可挑剔, he treats me very well. 到家就看到Robert的email, 问我是否安全到家, 希望他的司机没有把路线搞错, 并且委婉的表示希望可以再次见面, 说下一回他会开自己的车, 就不必这样匆匆忙忙. 我没有立即回信.

This date would be perfect, if Robert could be 10 years younger. After all, we are not the same generation, I am not sure if it would be going well since we have so many different experiences in life. I was chatting with George about this matter, he said if 10 years younger, Robert could be just another asshole. I laughed. George said, "old man knows how to impress the young lady. he treats you well, and behaves like a gentleman, why not just go out with him more and see what happens?" I dont know, I have no idea what I can expect from this.

Last night, Robert was talking about how serious a commitment should be, somehow that scared me. George said I have commitment issues, I asked, "I thought only guys have commitment issues?" Right, I might have that problem, marriage may be a big challenge for me. The bigger one is baby issue, Robert asked me, "Jess, what you think about babies?" That question ruined half of my appetite right away. This morning when I doing make-up, I was trying to imagine myself with a baby in my arms, gosh! I almost threw up, I swear, it works better than any horrow movie, guess I found a good way for diet. Anyway, I am not ready for either of them, I am so afraid that I couldnt keep the commitment as I promised, so I cant give any commitment.

完了, 完了, 我应该去看看心理医生了.

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jgey 回复 悄悄话 自尊心作祟,dont like the feeling of being rescued :)
lanlanmao77 回复 悄悄话 Why not just go out with him more and see what happens?