  • 博客访问:

5/27 星期日

(2007-05-26 14:10:56) 下一个

5/16,面试一家大公司,financial IT,对方对我很满意,上午面试后,下午立刻打电话告诉我的recruiter他们会给offer,但是一开始是1年contract,之后可以继续续约,或者转为permanent。我当时有点晕,太快了,我反而有些不安。那天陪我同去的recruiter是个英国人,我们提前30分钟见面,一起喝咖啡,聊天,他原来在英国的时候,竟然是个警察。后来来日本看世界杯的时候,喜欢上这里,于是搬了过来,现在是recruiter,很有意思的经历。

5/17,周二见的法国公司的老板要见我,他和我想象的完全不一样。我以为会是一个西装革履的businessman,结果进来的人,大概38,9岁,很随便的穿着jeans和套衫,更像一个artist。他坐在对面,不停的打量我,也不提问,我们就这么你看我,我看你的,最终他看够了,开始提问,但问题和工作根本都不着边儿。他看着桌子上的咖啡,问,"how is the coffee?" 我反问,"honestly?" 他点头,"honestly." I was trying to be nice, so said, "its ok, not great, but OK." 他不做声,盯着我看,看得我有点发毛,难道我脸上有字?!他说,"its horrible...the coffee, the worst coffee I have ever had." 我忍不住笑出来,说,"well, at least there is a cup of coffee, most companies even dont offer coffee for candidates." 他也笑,说,"that is a good answer." 这个法国男人有种非常奇怪的魅力,让人不舒服,却忍不住被吸引,dangerously attractive, very mature and sexy, I have to admit that he is fascinating me. 我对这公司兴趣一般,不过这个老板,印象非常深刻。

5/18,一天内,3个面试,头晕。A start up company, 我并没有主动找他们,而是他们通过一个非常奇怪的渠道找到我,friendster, its a social network website, most for friends connecting with each other. Jeff and Amir, I have no idea where to start, this whole thing is just strange and crazy. Jeff is american? maybe, I dont know, not very sure, and Amir is australian, Dave knows Amir, actually Amir's company is one of Dave's client, he used to try to help me to get a job in Amir's company, but they turned me down, cos they wanted someone with online marketing experiences. Now Amir came to me and wanna offer me a job in the new start up company by him and Jeff, what a small world!!!

I told Amir that I know Dave and Dave was trying to introduce me to his other company, Amir was surprised. Anyway, this start up company, they hope me to join as co-founder, and offer me some shares of the company, I had no idea what I should do at the moment, I mean, since I started job hunting, never thought I would face this kinda situation.

5/20, I was hanging out with Kevin and another friend, its not a date, and Kevin wasnt that attractive as the first time I met him, guess I was too tired that day. I could hardly think about dates or guys or whatever, all my minds on making the decision, big company vs start up, which one I should take?

5/21, I had a long talk with Dave at afternoon, from a coffee to a dinner and drinks, about which offer I should take, Dave is quite good as a consultant, I need his professional recruiting opinion on my problem. After I told him about all offers, we discussing, talking... blah blah, eventunally we both thought the big company could be the one.

5/23, Dave打电话给我,告诉我应该重新考虑一下start up company,他说他刚和Amir聊了一会儿,他们的条件其实很优厚。我当时刚刚结束shopping,在一家咖啡店里坐着看书,于是立即冲到表参道和Dave面谈。Dave说,我周一和他讲的内容和Amir说的不太一样,估计是我当时都听傻了,只记住只言片语。他把Amir跟他讲的内容又给我解释了一遍,重点关于how much profit I would get if the business succeeds, 我们又谈了3个多小时,从咖啡到晚饭,最后我决定明天再约Jeff and Amir, 重新谈一回,我有太多的疑问。Dave is the start up type of guy, he loves to be his own boss, and would never like to work in a big company. I have no idea what type of person I am, I used to work for a big company, but obviously, wasnt happy there, for start up, I am lazy and lack of self-discipline, so... tough decision.

5/24, 和Jeff,Amir见面,我把自己的问题列在笔记本上,一个一个的问到满意为止。Dave和Jeff不熟,但知道Jeff是个成功的投资者,倒卖过无数start up公司,而且很有钱。Dave对Amir的评价很高,我对Amir印象也很好,he is kinda quiet, but can tell that he is a very smart guy, he is married with 2 kids, working hard all the time, and makes quite good money with his other company. 这回面谈后,我对这个start up公司有了更多的了解,在大公司和start up之间,开始倾向于start up。在大公司我熬上3年,5年,一直要被人管,在start up,我可以管别人,这多爽啊,而且如果发展顺利,我那点儿原始股就值大钱了,到时候我就可以满世界的溜达了。我已经开始幻想自己坐在钱堆里,数钱数到手抽筋,哈!

There is one thing that I didnt get, why me? I dont know what they see in me that can make them believe that I am the right person they looking for. Later I met Dave again, dinner, talk talk, and I asked him the same question, -- Why me? Dave said, "Jess, you are smart, you have something in you that would lead you to become a great leader." Really??? LOL, I even dont know I have that something. Anyway, Amir said, he thinks I have a lot courage to come to Japan alone, lol, its not courage, I just wanted to run away from my parents in those days, to have freedom. Oh, and ambition, do I really have ambition??? 我一直以为自己是那种胸无大志的人,从来没想过要拯救世界,或者实现共产主义,就算爱钱,也只是希望天上掉钱而已,和那种立志要做bill gates第二的有志青年根本不能比。我没什么太大的理想和追求,只希望开开心心,不愁吃穿,满世界溜达,学自己有兴趣的东西,这样大概就该满足了。不过自由是要由钱来支持的,无奈阿,生活现实,最后还是要回到钱上。Dave and Amir, they both see the ambition in me which myself can hardly see yet, so, why not give a try?



我和Jeff又谈了一次工资,我要他再加一些,最后达成协议,我决定去他们的start up company. 早知道4月就不花时间到处面试了,可以旅游一个整月,真是悔死了。job hunting告一段落,接下来就要看我们的小公司会不会发财啦,哈!

都早晨6点了,写得匆匆忙忙,前言不搭后语。其实这次关于去大公司还是start up的决定,大概是我这些年来最最认真谨慎考虑过的唯一问题,通常我做决定的时间都不超过10秒,这次算破例,难得我这么认真,maybe Dave and Amir are right, I really do have some ambition for this new business, just need a little more time to wake it up. Anyway, we will see.

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情归无处 回复 悄悄话 恭喜恭喜。我也要找工作啦!我想尽快离开现在的公司。
emigre 回复 悄悄话 I've worked at a start-up before, you get to see everything and know everyone, and won't feel like a drone like at a big company. If they're offering you shares as part of the pay package, then make sure everything is written out and you have a contract, spelling out the actual details, and talk about whether any innovation you come up with belongs to you or the company, might be crucial later.... say you invented a software program or something. good luck, you'll kick some butt!
jgey 回复 悄悄话 感谢各位的关心和支持 \(^o^)/
elpher 回复 悄悄话 不知道为什么,看得我口水直流...可能是因为这个小公司的IDEA听起来很诱人,应该是不错的,但估计会累一点...努力,JESS,让它变成香馍馍!
G.C. 回复 悄悄话 Start up? 哈,以后有好故事听了!恭喜恭喜!
kakukonkon 回复 悄悄话
11Roses 回复 悄悄话 呵呵~~
clee 回复 悄悄话 這首ZT打油詩,可要好夢成真啦 !!


祝好運 !!
clee 回复 悄悄话 自古以來,時勢造英雄,非英雄造時勢.
眼看一顆新星就要誕生啦 $$$$$$$$!!  
祝好運 !!
l'estrose 回复 悄悄话 很高兴你终于定到工作啦:)