4/11 星期三
(2007-04-11 12:04:07)
上周四和LB的第二次面试,对方是个很年轻的男生,非常可爱,to work with this cute guy, its just another attractive point of this position. Later I talked with Marc about the interview, it turned out that the guy is one of Marc's close friends in LB. 一直没有得到关于第二次面试的回复,我几乎想让Marc帮我打听“小道儿消息”,后来又觉得,不应该把太多私人的因素带进这种professional working environment,于是,只好继续“死等”。
周末一直在家里睡觉,周日晚上12点多,Dave打电话来,烂醉,我知道他去参加一个朋友的婚礼,但不知道他为什么喝那么多,我一直觉得,the only wedding you need to get drunk is your own one, LOL. Dave困在一个“鸟不拉屎”的偏僻车站,问我怎么坐车才能到我家来,我觉得我都快成他的专业导航,每次迷路都会打电话来问我。风雨交加,我到楼下去接他,害我感冒,他醉得满嘴胡言乱语,象teenager。我越来越觉得,我和Dave之间的关系很奇妙,很少怦然心动的异性吸引的感觉,更多是舒服的同类人的相处,这样比我想象的还要好。
周一晚上和轶见面,她又“旷工”。轶最近的身体状况很糟,她的腰痛越来越厉害,不得不靠打止痛针和吃止痛药,去医院看了很多次,有医生曾建议她做脊椎手术,但她最终还是选择继续保守治疗。因此,我们最近很少有机会见面。一起吃晚饭,话题主要集中于她的回国打算和我的job hunting,都很“沉痛”。我的感冒终于发展到发烧,轶每天随身带很多止痛药,都有止热的成分,我吃了2片,然后各自早早回家。
轶的止痛药很强力,我回家洗澡后,不仅烧退了,而且格外的精神,根本不想睡觉。于是看下载的电影,[office space], its brilliant! 非常有意思的电影,关于一个IT guy厌倦他的工作的故事,这大概是我最近看过的最有共鸣的电影,I feel exactly the same as the guy does, --"human beings are not supposed to be sitting in cubes, and staring at computers for the whole day..." EXACTLY!!! 最喜欢那段,他们3个人离开公司后,把那台该死的打印机偷出来,smashed it, 淋漓尽致的痛快,well, for me, the only one thing that I wanna smash is my boss, actually ex-boss, that fucking idiot. 还有,女主角在她令人讨厌的boss又一次唠叨"do you wanna express yourself",她对着boss比中指,"see, this is how I express myself, I hate this job!" Well, most people hate their jobs and bosses, when "not to be fired" becomes the only motivation to work, its really meaningless to keep doing it. And the guy said, "why I cant just have a job and feel happy like everybody else..." that is a very good question, I have been asking myself the same question for long. I thought I could figure out something during this break, but it seems I am still quite confused, and not sure if I would feel happy for the next job.
周二睡了一整天,傍晚Marc发短信来,说他和朋友一起喝酒,问我去不去,我当然去,都睡够了。一共4个人,Marc, Robert, Yusuke and me。Marc, british, 27, in the dilemma of taking a job in HK which is not related with banking, or staying in banking field in Tokyo; Robert, chinese american, 27, lives in NYC, but loves Tokyo and asian girls, looking for a relationship instead of becoming a workaholic; Yusuke, japanese, 33, trader, workaholic, not married, no gfs, with a lot presure from work; me, chinese, 27, drama queen, unemployed, full of confusion. 这样的4个人一起喝酒,吃晚饭,他们3个都是在LB最初的training期间认识的,Robert和Yusuke见面时的问候很有意思,
Robert: "are you married?"
Yusuke: "nope."
Robert: "girlfriend?"
Yusuke: "nope...you? married? gf?"
Robert: "nope."
好像中国人一见面问“吃了没有”一样,“married or not”也成了一种common问候。
懒得写了,周三,had an interview, which was cool. But I hate raining, got stuck in the building cos of rain. No feedback from LB yet. 去取cleaning的鞋子,对效果很不满意,修补颜色的人难道是色盲吗?看起来比修补前的样子还要糟,店员看出我很不爽,说可以重新修补,直到我满意为止,无可奈何,只好再等几天,看他们能否让我满意。回来的时候又被雨淋,真倒霉,该死的天气。到家后,发现电话上有留言,是另一家recruiting company, the recruiter said GS would like to meet me for interview next week, its good news, finally. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村,大概就是这种意境吧。
In the movie [SWAT], there is a girl, well a cop, she has applied for SWAT team a few times, but never worked out, then when she got questioned about that, she said, "I just enjoy applying". That is one of the coolest lines I have ever heard, I think I have much more fun in job hunting than having a job. Go to all different companies, talk with a lot people, make them like me, and think I am the perfect one for their positions, the process of pursuiting just excites me a lot. I think I am very good at "to get", but quite bad at "to keep", its the same thing for my personal life, I enjoy dating all the time, but have difficulty on committing to a relationship.
Or do freelance for a while, don't commmit to a fulltime job for now, and take some classes in fields you're interested in to see if there are other options for a career.
Have you thought about becoming an interpreter? There are schools in China and US for these, and they pay really well, with flexible schedules and lots of traveling.
You obviously enjoy the chase, either doing the chasing or to be chased, in relationship or otherwise, you should move to the African Safari.