8/11 星期五
(2006-08-11 00:19:19)
终于到周五, 阳光明媚, 昨晚很早睡觉, 12点之前, 所以今天7点就醒来. 早睡早起还是不错的, 至少起床没那么痛苦. 从地铁站出来, 站在ESCALATOR上, 巨大的屏幕上在放BMW的广告, 我突然想起[疯狂的石头]里把BMW解释成"别摸我", 忍不住笑了出来, BMW在中国市场的形象是彻底毁了. 一上午都在开会, 漫长无聊的会议, 日本人开会的效率不是一般的低, 说话拐弯抹角, 本来一句话就能说清楚的事情, 一定要饶来饶去, 美国那边的人听得云山雾罩, 根本不知道最后是YES还是NO. 我摊开本子, 假装记录, 其实是在写我的周末计划和SHOPPING LIST. 会议结束, 都已经12点半, 我直奔GYM, 这周没怎么运动, 只跑了一会儿就开始喘, 我旁边的那个帅哥都气喘如牛了, 还死活不肯停下来, 真是佩服. TREADMILL上面的屏幕在放CNN NEWS, 全都是关于英国机场破获恐怖分子的事情, 不许带任何行李登机, 下回是不是连衣服也不让穿, 飞机改天体营了, 整个世界都疯狂, 这样想来, 身边的奇奇怪怪的人和事也还可以接受.
我的朋友MICHEAL在加州, 结婚了, 新娘是他在CHURCH里认识的. MICHEAL几年前曾在东京工作, 他那时候的女朋友也是在CHURCH认识的, 东京的一所中文教会. 我们聊天时, 我开玩笑说, "when did church start to become a dating spot?" 他笑, 在听说我最近没有DATING ANYONE后, MICHEAL劝我go to church, the chinese church he used to visit. I think, religion is supposed to be something much more serious, how can I use it for opportunities to meet guys? Its just so weird. But since Micheal trying so hard to convince me that God(or church?) might be able to arrange a special one for me, I accepted his suggestion, and said "yeah, I would like to check the church out". So today I got an invitation email from Micheal's friend Andy, who goes to the chinese church in Tokyo. I was staring at the email, and kept thinking, would I become a church goer???
Later had a talk with George, when I told him that I gonna go to church, he was like "WOW"... Apparently, I never sounded like a church goer type of girl to him, fine. I said, "I cant get up so early on Sunday, and plus, there are more girls than guys in church...kinda meaningless, but I can give a try", George was laughing, replied, "usually, church going guys are good, that is why girls all going to church, and try to find someone there. The point of going to church is not for guys, but that you pay a visit to God." Its my turn to laugh, I wrote, "I visit God anytime, in my dreams, or my daydreams." Laugh laugh...Another suggestion coming alone, "you should go to golf club, guys who go to golf club are rich and have depth, and healthy..." I typed, "oh yeah....who have too much time and money to fill holes?" He laughed too much to reply. Always a lot of fun to talk with Uncle George.
The thing is, I am kinda confused, and have no idea what I am looking for from a relationship, that is why I dont wanna go dating recently. Its always good to take a break for singles, which is not allowed for married people, maybe that is what I am afraid of from marriage, limited options, less freedom and change. I saw Micheal's wedding pics, they looked very happy, and the bride is pretty, adorable couple. I tried to imagine that pic, me, in a wedding, with hundreds of people there watching me to say "YES I DO", ewwww.... I felt itchy just by imagining that. I forgot who said that, if a single girl cant make a pic of her wedding, she is not ready for marriage yet. Right, that line makes sense.