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(2004-12-31 12:10:28) 下一个
2005!时间过得真快,又一年.现在是4:54AM,我被饿醒了,跳起来找食物,觉得自己可以吃下一整只鸡.今天,确切的讲,是昨天,东京又下雪了,很冷.我睡了一整天,在梦里看到他,很长的梦,而且不是恶梦,值得庆幸. 和老妈聊天,又谈到同样的话题,她总是催我尽快找到一个如意郎君,结婚,成家...不厌其烦,我的回答也永远一样,--还没遇见合适的人.其实,我真的怀疑自己在主观性的逃避SETTLE DOWN,因为害怕一成不变的日子,和一切相关的责任.一个人真的很自在,做自己想做的事情,按自己的喜好安排事物,布置一切,I can focus on MYSELF, if i am happy, everything is fine, i don't have to worry about somebody else, which usually could bring me such annoying troubles and stress. Freedom is power, how can i sacrifice my freedom for a guy? I know my attitude isn't right, but i can't help it, maybe i am too selfish, or whatever. I guess I have never met a guy who has such strong power to make me willing to give up all pleasures and freedom by my current single life. So with that meaning, my answer to mum is so right that i didn't meet the right guy yet. But i don't wanna rush that, sooner or later i would have to jump into some relationship, so why not just enjoy the freedom i have as much as i can? Btw, I watched Catwoman tonight, heard that movie wasn't rated highly, but surprisingly I like it. Halle Berry is so hot that i am impressed, i would go crazy for her if i was a guy. Anyway, i am a woman, and i like cats, so maybe i like catwoman?
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