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we want to stay in touch with information,Our processing capabil

(2023-05-30 14:39:25) 下一个
The New York Times

Opinion: Beyond the ‘Matrix’ Theory of the Mind

The New York Times - May 28, 2023 (Opinion)

Gloria Mark, a [Chancellor’s] professor of information science at the University of California, Irvine, and the author of “Attention Span,” started researching the way people used computers in 2004. …  “We can produce more information,” Mark said. “But that means there’s more information for us to process. Our processing capability is the bottleneck.” … “Nobody likes to write reports or do emails, but we want to stay in touch with information,” Mark said. “We learn when we deeply process information. If we’re removed from that and we’re delegating everything to GPT — having it summarize and write reports for us — we’re not connecting to that information.” [Subscription required, campus-wide access provided by UCI Libraries. Sign-up here: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/nytimes]


有位作家曾说过:「一个人遇事的第一反应里,藏著他的学识、见识、品格和修养。而这个反应,也决定了他的生活品质。」 一个人过得好不好,在于处理事情的能力,更在于面对问题的心态。 生活永远都是现场直播,谁也不知道下一秒会发生什么。 但你看待事情的角度,影响著生活的温度,也决定了你的人生高度。 遇大事要静,遇难事要变,遇烂事要离,遇顺事要敛 没有“福气”的人,通常这4个特征很明显 1. 遇大事要静 2. 遇难事要变 3. 遇烂事要离 4. 遇顺事要敛  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epz5w9oFaPY 

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