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Pocahontas John Smith and John Rolfe

(2023-04-07 21:27:40) 下一个
Trivia: Both Irene Bedard (Pocahontas' mother) and Christian Bale (John Rolfe) have roles in this movie and the Disney animated film Pocahontas (1995). In the Disney film, Christian Bale provided the voice of Thomas, and Irene Bedard voiced the title role, Pocahontas. Terrence Malick was a fan of the Disney film and recruited both Bale and Bedard in the film, as a homage to the Disney animated film. Irene Bedard played Pocahontas's mother in this film, she had previously voiced and was the physical model for the title character in Disney's Pocahontas. Christian Bale and Ben Mendelsohn would later both star in The Dark Knight Rises (2012) and Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014).

Your comment on the movie "The New World" beautifully captures the themes of courage, grace, purity, peace, and mutual trust in goodwill, as well as respect for cultural and social differences. The portrayal of Princess Pocahontas as a peacemaker and ambassador who risked her life for love is an inspiring representation of the power of love and diplomacy in bridging divides between different peoples.

However, the movie also highlights how greed and the lust for power can ultimately ruin everything for everyone, leading to conflict and suffering. This serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of valuing material wealth and power above human relationships and respect for others.

In summary, your comment on "The New World" reflects on the powerful themes and messages conveyed in the film, highlighting the importance of peacemaking, mutual respect, and the dangers of greed and the pursuit of power.

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