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George Washington (1984) lessons for today\'s world of turmoil,

(2023-02-26 14:58:38) 下一个
EXCELLENT miniseries! The acting was good, and it appears to be historically accurate. Not being a student of the American Revolution, which should be a required course in High School, IMHO, I was thrilled to see the true story of Benedict Arnold!! I had no idea he was so close to George Washington. Funny that 45 years ago, there were miniseries on George Washington, another excellent miniseries "Backstairs at the WhiteHouse"-(It's a little stiff, but excellent material) compared to the miniseries we have today which all seem to be fantasy and horror themes: Time travel, Zombees, Space exploration, Alien invasions- not that those things are bad, depending on how it's handled and presented, but to entirely forget the best things in the world, to teach about how our democracy was born or the lives of good men and women that sacrificed so much is a sad commentary on the times in which we live.

An excellent biographical miniseries about the life of the first president of the United States, "George Washington" (1984)  offers a fascinating glimpse into the life and times of one of America's most iconic figures. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in American history or the life of George Washington himself and his administration. The miniseries is a classic because it accurately portrays Washington's character, the hardships he endured, and the crucial role he played in the establishment of the American republic.

The miniseries' meticulous planning and execution are among its best qualities. The photography, set decoration, and costumes all do an excellent job of making the audience feel like they've been transported back to the late 18th century. The script is extremely well-researched and provides a believable and informative account of Washington's life.

Another standout feature of "George Washington" is its impressive cast. The series features a range of talented actors, including Barry Bostwick as George Washington, Jaclyn Smith as Martha Washington, and Lloyd Bridges as Benjamin Franklin. Each actor delivers a nuanced and convincing performance, bringing to life the historical figures they portray.

One of the most compelling aspects of the mini-series is its exploration of Washington's character. The series portrays Washington as a complex figure who was deeply committed to his ideals and principles, but who also struggled with doubt and uncertainty. The series does an excellent job of humanizing Washington, showing him as a man rather than a mythic figure.

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