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Bill Monica

(2018-05-09 22:01:21) 下一个

She's most beautiful around  Bill Clinton. Bill should have married her, had Hillary not intervened. Hope they'd do eventually

Town & Country Magazine Uninvited Monica Lewinsky From An Event Because Of Bill Clinton


Monica Lewinsky attends the Masterpiece Marie Curie Summer party in partnership with Jaeger Le-Coultre and Heather Kerzner at The Royal Hospital Chelsea on June 30, 2014 in London, England. © Mike Marsland/WireImage/Getty Images Monica Lewinsky attends the Masterpiece Marie Curie Summer party in partnership with Jaeger Le-Coultre and Heather Kerzner at The Royal Hospital Chelsea on June 30, 2014 in London, England.

Town & Country magazine disinvited Monica Lewinsky from its annual philanthropic summit on Wednesday because Bill Clinton was attending, HuffPost has learned.

Lewinsky tweeted, somewhat cryptically, on Wednesday:

dear world:
please don’t invite me to an event (esp one about social change) and ―then after i’ve accepted― uninvite me because bill clinton then decided to attend/was invited.
it’s 2018.
emily post would def not approve.

Town & Country did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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