
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Attack, pivot, declare victory

(2017-06-15 13:45:13) 下一个
富国的玩艺 ? Power Corruption? Vice Versa?

已有 117 次阅读 2017-6-15 10:48 |个人分类:Thought Leader|系统分类:海外观察    推荐到群组



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Donald Trump doesn't get the special counsel investigation. And he's never going to.
CNN - ‎48 minutes ago‎
Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has, throughout his life, had one setting when it comes to stories he doesn't like: Attack, pivot, declare victory.
See realtime coverage
Trump Warned of Endless Clinton Investigations. Instead, the Focus Is on Him
NBCNews.com - ‎5 hours ago‎
First Read is your briefing from Meet the Press and the NBC Political Unit on the day's most important political stories and why they matter.
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Charges in Flint water crisis climb closer to Gov. Rick Snyder
MLive.com - ‎6 hours ago‎
Did Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette clear Gov. Rick Snyder of criminal liability in the Flint water crisis? In announcing involuntary manslaughter charges Wednesday against five current and former state officials -- including a member of Snyder ...

~~ ~~

As my eyes full of negative news, Russian collusion of the election, obstruction of justice for Russian probe, ...., on and on, non-stop, I conclude that it's spending ton of tax pay money to fight from either side. Is it wasteful?


I thought ...

Boy, it's so expansive to freedom and democracy. It's counter intuition: freedom and democracy need to scrutize the power; if not, power gets corruption. Only way to prevent power-derived corruption is to scrutinize the power, which needs the justice - guarantee the justice demands the freedom to speech.


Democracy is stonger when united for common good, but how?

build upon consensus, but how?

build upon free to speak, but how?

Let everyone speak, but how?

It takes a long time to let all to talk !

That's expansive!


Is there any alternative?




Do you want to gamble on an hero to save us all? Riskier!  It's human nature to be sinful - such hero got corrupted, more damage than none.


Anything in between?  Not I know so far.


"This idea was called separation of powers. This philosophy heavily influenced the writing of the United States Constitution, according to which the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the United States government are kept distinct in order to prevent abuse of power."


"Separation of powers, therefore, refers to the division of responsibilities into distinct branches to limit any one branch from exercising the core functions of another. The intent is to prevent the concentration of power and provide for checks and balances."


"checks and balances? " The English word "checks" is very interesting as "check" is for bank check to pay money while "balance your book" in business is also about money. So?


民主靠法治, 法治靠烧钱!民主是富国的玩艺.


Your thought?


PS: I read this post: "   可以说是遗憾,但也无奈的是,园艺研究不是一本中国的刊,因为我们申请过两次国家期刊影响力提升计划项目都未成功,第三年太忙没有申请,去年竟然连资格都没有了。杂志要属于一个当地出版社,主编和编辑人员要有编辑证书,编辑部至少要三个人,要有中国刊号。我们呢?隶属于南农大科研院,主编(我自己)没有证书,编辑部就两个人(我和编辑尹欢),刊号也申请不到。结果呢?自2014年1月上线到现在,3年半,专业领域所有刊里排第二,如果计入漏掉的引用,应该是第一,在大植物学领域,也进入JCR一区。这也是一个有意思的故事。我记得2013年第一次申请提升计划时说,“如果现在能给我们刊号,我们就是中国的儿子,等到明年就是领养的儿子,一直不给,我们就是一个非法生出来的一直流浪在国外的流浪儿”。但是儿仍不嫌母丑,母却仍不认流浪儿。" http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1140979&do=blog&id=1060902 (((Horticulture Research获首个影响因子3.6,园艺类期刊中排名第二                                                    精选 ))) by 程宗明.


I thought, Well,

Rule? Rule you in or rule you out, which one you like?  Again, it's dilemma, conundrum - hate speech or love speech, passionate about it? It can go either way, for you or against you - that's justice. Love or hate it - your choice. Lucky you have one - make good use of that choice.          





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