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Vote for Kate McKinnon Steals or Alec Baldwin\'s Donald Trump

(2016-10-16 16:56:14) 下一个

Kate McKinnon Steals the 'SNL' Cold Open From Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump. Which one do you want?


Published on Oct 2, 2016

As part of Saturday Night Live's season premiere last night, Kenan Thompson rounded up the lesser oddities of Election 2016 with a political Family Feud: Trump vs. Clinton edition. Kellyanne Conway (Kate McKinnon), Ivanka Trump (host Margot Robbie), Donald Jr. (Mikey Day), Eric Trump (Alex Moffat), Gov. Chris Christie (Bobby Moynihan), and Vladimir Putin (Beck Bennett) all showed up to square off against Bill Clinton (Darrell Hammond), Sarah Silverman (Melissa Villaseñor), Lin-Manuel Miranda (Cecily Strong) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (Larry David).

As David notes, the "hello's" take a long, long time. But it's worth it. Everybody brings their A-game -- Robbie's Trump, McKinnon's Conway, Moynihan's bridge remarks, and the always-flawless Hammond especially stand out. Above, enjoy the reasons why these people are always running late, plus some fire LMM bars and a shameless, shameless Putin.

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I'd vote for both!


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