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interracial couple: All for love and Color blind

(2016-05-19 11:52:34) 下一个
Internet trolls attack Old Navy's interracial ad
Old Navy Tweets Ad Of Interracial Family, Racist Trolls Lose Their Minds

Old Navy released an ad with an image of a smiling interracial family wearing their clothes on Friday and some people — shall we call them trolls? — freaked out.

Many lambasted the San Francisco-based company for showing a mixed race family. Most of the haters threatened to never step foot in the retail store known for its cheap stylish clothing again.

Amid all the hate, there was some love.

© Old Navy

Grace Mahary, the woman featured in the ad, tweeted a response writing: "In light of the controversy revolving around my pretend family . . . I am proud to be representing interracial love, multiculturalism, and most importantly, a mentality that supports opportunity for all ethnicities. Thanks @oldnavy"

Also, scores of people in interracial marriages responded with photographs of their own families.



Paul Wilder
WTF is wrong with showing a family on an add? are we really this divided? You people think there are not families like this all over the world? I wonder if this would garner the same hate if the woman or guy was asian or latino....

We still have a long ways to go people.
Bill Melton
There's more to advertising than just throwing a thirty second spot out there. You've got to create a climate. I'm thinking Old Navy is just another Chick-Fil-A wannabe. Don't believe everything the advertising world puts out there.
LikeReply29May 2, 2016 10:48am
Anthony Mcaniff ·
It is unlikely that the overwhelming majority of people would object to this ad. It is also unlikely that the corrupt, left wing press will ever stop trying to destroy our country. Take away the hate groups and the biased press and we are a lot more united than some would believe. That is not something the Left wants us to embrace.
LikeReply253May 2, 2016 11:18am
Krisan Harrell
Bill Melton Oh but they do believe, while the Ad Men chuckle.
LikeReply12May 2, 2016 11:28am
Steven Traylor ·
To everyone who had a problem with the ad, please do the world a favor and leave. I assure you it would be better without you.
Russell Olsen ·
pompous ass
LikeReply32May 2, 2016 11:25am
Cathy Rohrscheib ·
Works at Self-Employed
Dennis Loftin sure he does . agree with me or leave no one is allowed to disagree any more wonder who traylor wants ? hillery or berney
LikeReply36May 2, 2016 12:09pmEdited
Lannie L. Johnson ·
I agree with what he said this world would be a better place, people just need to grow up instead of being whiney little babys.
LikeReply126May 2, 2016 11:49am
Yarikza J Alexander ·
Love OLD NAVY AD....is showing a normal family, what's the deal!!! Made up story more likely!!! Hello USA=Melting Pot...Beautiful families composed of people from all races, shapes and colors.
Jeyui Jertgy
nothing noormal about a white man with a black child.. if it were real.. the black child wouldnt look so black... because he'd be half white obviously.. this is just them trying to get free advertising from covntroversy.. they couldnt care less about promoting "interracial family"
LikeReply81May 2, 2016 11:44am
Moraima Gonzalez ·
maybe the kid is hers and married the guy
LikeReply117May 2, 2016 11:51am
Beverly Ollivierre- Ford ·
Jeyui Jertgy That's not necessarily true, the mix could range from looking totally white to totally black and every hue in between. Lots of beautiful colors.
LikeReply281May 2, 2016 11:53am
Brett Smith ·
Beautiful family. Period. Stop making it political. We wanted freedom. This is what it looks like! Teach him to be proud of both sides of the family. Tolerance and unity. Its the American way
Michael Jones ·
Nice post Sir.....But be advised...it's not a real family!...But your point is well taken.
LikeReply20May 2, 2016 11:44am
Cathy Rohrscheib ·
Works at Self-Employed
its an ad
LikeReply16May 2, 2016 11:46am
Hugh Hall ·
I agree. So many racist people have now become enslaved by their thinking. This new America is her to stay. I Love it.
LikeReply58May 2, 2016 11:57am
Juan York ·
Love is blind. There is nothing wrong with people falling in love and raising a family no matter what their ethnicities are. This country has a long way to go in accepting people, couples and cultures when they share love regardless of their skin color. Why are we as people, judging others in plain sight and pictures. Where is the understanding?
Mary Johnson ·
Mr. York, we're past understanding. The politicos have heightened the rhetoric in such a way that the hate and lack of understanding is the norm. And for what? Because the man that has been sitting in the Oval Office for almost eight yeas is black.

This is where it all came from. Mr. Obama won in 2008 and that turned some folks bat $%^& crazy. Their world was ending as they knew it and all that drivel ( eye roll).

So now we have polarization on all levels thanks to Mr. McConnell and his Inauguaration Ball meeting where they plotted to do absolutely nothing to help fix the mess that they helped to make.
LikeReply78May 2, 2016 11:52am
Steve Hewitt ·
Mary Johnson Obama is half black, half white. Which is fine. I'm a fan. Lots of companies are doing ads like this. I think it's great.
LikeReply76May 2, 2016 12:06pm
Dumhi Countal
Mary Johnson - There is no greater source of division in this country than criminal tendency. If we really want racial harmony, the FBI should stop tracking offenders by race, as it shows an unpleasant truth. Obama has simply put this criminal tendency in perspective, and shattered the believability of the systemic or institutional racism argument in the minds of many.
LikeReply9May 2, 2016 12:07pm
Fauna Warfield ·
Why do I think Old Navy is trolling their own ad to create more Free Media Advertising for their slumping sales?
Bryan Gunter
Why? You ask. Simple answer. Mental defenciency is why you would think that.
LikeReply20May 2, 2016 11:13am
Krisan Harrell
Fauna -- First thing I thought of, too. Controversy on social media works much better than talent, or offering a good product.
LikeReply35May 2, 2016 11:29am
Bob Haywood
Bryan Gunter You probably shouldn't try to go after people who are smarter than you. This isn't the first time it's been done and there was little to no complaint each time until now.

This has liberal attempt to "make news" all of over it.
LikeReply30May 2, 2016 11:40am
Georgia Lee Lockwood ·
Good for Old Navy. As for the few negative comments here so far, just FYI, we have already seen mixed-race families on TV ads, and nobody I know cares. The more people marry whom they love, not whom they are told to marry, the better off the world will be. We are sll the same under our skin color.
Jon Vecellio ·
If you look at the original post on Twitter and read the replies, it is nothing but Alt-Right/ Neo-Nazi/ Trump/ White Nationalist dirtbags that lurk in anonymity. They are simply children that can't handle that the world has changed and they are left behind in their antiquated thinking & beliefs. Posts like this ad are a way for them to have a temper tantrum in public.
LikeReply26May 2, 2016 12:21pm
Craig Smith ·
Now if Old Navy just made decent clothes.......................................
LikeReply20May 2, 2016 12:38pm
Thomas Corte ·
Jon Vecellio That, or you could be wrong. I'm just sayin'
LikeReply7May 2, 2016 12:43pm
Carl Schouten ·
The trolls are mad because they are showing a white male with a black female and child instead of a black male with a white female and a black child .You know it, i know it, we all know it so just quit your BS.
Cathy Rohrscheib ·
Works at Self-Employed
thats what they wanted contravercy
LikeReply8May 2, 2016 11:47am
Carol Travis-Butler
Cathy Rohrscheib Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all. Who cares, really ?? I would have never heard of this ad except for "cruising" MSN so I really have to wonder about the responses the story cites. There are numerous ads on TV which portray interracial couples/families and I've yet to see or hear any outrage. Ad agencies make millions and millions getting their clients' name out to the public, they well know what they are doing and if their ad campaign doesn't get noticed, they take another approach to attract attention....even bad attention. It all equates to the same thing in the final analysis; more money for the client and the ad agency. Everyone getting all twisted over this story; get a grip and stop being played by big business.
LikeReply4May 2, 2016 1:47pm
Debi Jarrell
Cathy Rohrscheib If you're going to keep saying that Old Navy is doing it for the press, the least you can do is spell it correctly. It's "controversy" not "contravercy".
LikeReply10May 2, 2016 2:41pm
Buddy Lou ·
don't believe that for one minute! I'm sure the attacks were made from fake pages, just to cause unrest .. People will believe ANYTHING! Most likely paid to cause trouble all over the internet, trolls everywhere ...Too funny!
Glenda J. Snowden ·
Works at Edwards
Love your dog!
LikeReply5May 2, 2016 11:33am
Mary Hodge
trolls are anything but funny.... do you really think hate is funny?
LikeReply17May 2, 2016 11:43am
Charles Seliga ·
I have noted that most of the hate type ads are posted by people who do not have the guts to stand up for what they believe. In my opinion, you can find most of them at Trump rallies. If you want to live in the past, whdere white guys rule everyone, you missed the bus.
LikeReply32May 2, 2016 11:50am
Frank Mattia ·
Nice going Old Navy! Seems most people believe interracial couples are a black man and a white woman. Showing more reality with black women with white men is a truer picture of life. You got the skin head frantics on the right an the black community on the left, " white womem taking our black men and nwd white men takinng our black women!!!! Racism and revese racism
Stephen Heckman ·
You are correct, the traditional "media" interracial couple is a black man and white woman, yet I see just as many white men with black women.
LikeReply26May 2, 2016 11:30am
Roger Hunter ·
First of all, Racisim is Racisim. Reverse racisim??? Whats that. Anyway I agree with your point.
LikeReply8May 2, 2016 12:13pm
Dorothy Roessler ·
Does it matter? Seems to me two people who "connect" are lucky - whatever their color. What a bunch of ado about nothing! But wait - in North Carolina they probably are looking into legislation to someohow limit this.... what ya got for us up there?
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