
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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a shot at a grand icon

(2016-05-02 09:45:52) 下一个

A smart move: A shot to Reagan, icon for modern GOP as everyone claims a piece of Reaganism. If you look at the hard facts, you may have a different takes of this greatest president of our life time. If it turns out he's sick, the GOP covers up his mistakes in office - it's American loss. Nevertheless, he's great in his time in office for his own sake doing whatever needed. After all, he's not just an actor as George H. Bush said in the debate - Reagan's the president of the actor's association (huge and power) and governor of grand California - an A-list actor (the highest paid actor) in his time - check out the facts before you jump out to scream - facts never lie.

Legacy tells how a president does in office - "Good Morning America", a TV program up today, was inspired by Reagan.  optimism was "just such a natural characteristic of Ronald Reagan"  that America was sustained by its people's inner strength and determined optimism; however, Ronald Reagan's good-will ambassador whose optimism anchored his domestic and foreign policy. Whereas Reagan's was relentlessly optimistic, though, Trump's promise of “making America great again” is framed largely by fear, scaring people out of immigration, open-door market competion economy, freedom of speach. Trump is no Reagan.   

Fear is Trump's tactics along the way in this campain - "camp" on "pain" of voters. But, he can't camp that fear for long, as voters gotta ask how he can implement his promise. HOW ??????????

coe @AronW

Yes, heaven forbid we let comedy be in bad taste...

But I do embrace your documentary idea. I'd love to see an exposé on whether or not Reagan experienced dementia was while he was still President, how severe it was, the lengths to which his administration went to cover it up, and the policy that was directly affected by it. I, like many others, have sincere doubts that it was only manifest in his post-presidency life, as the official position alleges.

@coe @AronW

Yes, heaven forbid we let comedy be in bad taste...

But I do embrace your documentary idea. I'd love to see an exposé on whether or not Reagan experienced dementia was while he was still President, how severe it was, the lengths to which his administration went to cover it up, and the policy that was directly affected by it. I, like many others, have sincere doubts that it was only manifest in his post-presidency life, as the official position alleges.


Will Ferrell backs away from Ronald Reagan 'Alzheimer's comedy,' newspaper reports


Will Ferrell 2016
Will Ferrell attends the world premiere of 'Zoolander 2' in New York in April 2016. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)
Mike Scott, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune By Mike Scott, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune The Times-Picayune
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on May 02, 2016 at 8:44 AM, updated May 02, 2016 at 9:19 AM

Will Ferrell won't be portraying a declining Ronald Reagan in the political comedy "Reagan" after all. Following reports last week that the comic actor had signed on to produce and star in the film -- followed swiftly by outcry from the Reagan family and others blasting the film for what they say is insensitivity -- Ferrell is backing away from the project, the New York Posts' Page Six is reporting, citing a representative for the actor.

"The 'Reagan' script is one of a number of scripts that had been submitted to Will Ferrell which he had considered," the rep is quoted as saying. "While it is by no means an 'Alzheimer's comedy' as has been suggested, Mr. Ferrell is not pursuing this project."

Written by Mike Rosolio, "Reagan" focuses on a White House intern tasked with convincing the president and former actor -- who is portrayed as already being in decline at the film's start, which picks up at the beginning of his second term -- that he is merely playing the part of the commander-in-chief in a movie.

While the film has garnered enough interest in Hollywood to land it near the top of the 2015 Black List, an annual ranking of the best unproduced screenplays in town, it has also prompted no small amount of outrage. That includes from Reagan's daughter Patti Davis, who said Alzheimer's is no laughing matter.

"Perhaps if you knew more, you would not find the subject humorous," Davis wrote last week in an open letter to Ferrell on her website. "Alzheimer's doesn't care if you are President of the United States or a dockworker. It steals what is most precious to a human being — memories, connections, the familiar landmarks of a lifetime that we all come to rely on to hold our place secure in this world and keep us linked to those we have come to know and love. I watched as fear invaded my father's eyes — this man who was never afraid of anything. I heard his voice tremble as he stood in the living room and said, 'I don't know where I am.' I watched helplessly as he reached for memories, for words, that were suddenly out of reach and moving farther away. For ten long years he drifted — past the memories that marked his life, past all that was familiar...and mercifully, finally past the fear

"There was laughter in those years, but there was never humor."



Will Ferrell as declining Reagan: Good fun or poor taste?

Will Ferrell as declining Reagan: Good fun or poor taste?

The political comedy 'Reagan' will tell the story of an intern tasked with convincing the 40th president that his is an actor playing a role.

Among those expressing pleasure over Ferrell's departure from the film were the Alzheimer's Foundation of America as well as Reagan's son Michael Reagan, who said via his Twitter account, "Thank you for taking the right path."


A former actor, Ronald Reagan was America's 40th president, serving from 1981 to 1989. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease eight years later, in 1994.

"I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life," he said in an emotional speech announcing his diagnosis.

Reagan, who is celebrated as an icon of conservative ideals, died in 2004 at the age of 93.

What do you think about Will Ferrell's 'Reagan'?


Hail to the chiefs: 8 presidential movies shot in La.

Hail to the chiefs: 8 presidential movies shot in La.

A look back at Hollywood South's history of movies about the commander-in-chief





This looks to be a good move for Ferrell. Making a political comedy about Reagan is one thing but to do so with the focus on his struggle with Alzheimer's is in poor taste.





Except the doctrinaire position on Reagan's illness was that he showed no signs of it until 1992; heck, all of his White House docs say he was right as rain throughout the entirety of his term in office. A comedy about him being senile in his second term is clearly a fabrication… right?




@AronW @coe A comedy about the effects of such a serious disease on anyone-much less a former president-would be roundly criticized from all sides.  A serious approach to the issue would likely have more support for production and a potential for critical acclaim if done well.




@coe @AronW

Yes, heaven forbid we let comedy be in bad taste...

But I do embrace your documentary idea. I'd love to see an exposé on whether or not Reagan experienced dementia was while he was still President, how severe it was, the lengths to which his administration went to cover it up, and the policy that was directly affected by it. I, like many others, have sincere doubts that it was only manifest in his post-presidency life, as the official position alleges.




I hated Reagan as president.  But I wonder how folks here in new Orleans would feel about a movie making fun of Steve Gleason and his disabilities....sometimes you just got to put yourself in someone else's shoes.



I think I could handle a Reagan comedy. I still think he is the worst president of my lifetime. I never for one second bought the line that he was some kind of intelligent guy. He was a second-rate B-movie actor and cigarette spokesman who somehow wound up being president because of his fake smile and dog whistle racism. He taught America to hate the poor. He set up the US to benefit only the wealthy. He approved selling arms to the enemy. What's so great about that?

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