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Congress Apologizes Discrimina​tory Chinese Act of 1882

(2012-06-27 13:52:19) 下一个
Last week, we achieved a major milestone on my resolution of regret for the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, H. Res 683. As the first Chinese American Congresswoman, I was very proud to witness the bill pass unanimously in the House of Representatives. Now, we can celebrate the fact that this resolution passed both the Senate and House unanimously! To watch this historic moment, click on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVEKx9um_jY&feature=youtu.be The resolution also got national press coverage! Here's are some clips:L.A. Times - http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-house-apology-chinese-immigrants-20120618,0,7467392.storyCNN - http://inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2012/06/19/in-rare-apology-house-regrets-exclusionary-laws-targeting-chinese/?hpt=us_bn1 It took 60 long years for the Exclusion Laws to be repealed, and the trauma of the laws left a permanent scar upon generations of Chinese Americans, splitting apart families, and disenfranchising many. Chinese Americans did not have the legal right to become naturalized citizens and had to carry papers on them at all times or be deported. My own grandfather was a victim of the law. My resolution finally acknowledges and expresses regret for these injustices towards people of Chinese origin in the United States. It recognizes that America was founded on the principle that all persons are created equal. Although this resolution is another step forward on our path to equal rights for all people, our work is far from over. I will continue to fight against social injustices and protect the civil rights of all communities, but I need your help. The second quarter of 2012 ends at midnight on Saturday, June 30, and we want to show a strong fundraising quarter. Can I count on your support and contribution? To donate $50, $100, $250, $500 or the allowable maximum, click here: http://www.judychu.org/donate.php. I hope I can count on you! With your generous support, we can make sure I can run a successful re-election campaign to Congress! In friendship, Judy ChuMember of Congress
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