

神奇的光療:無限的靈糧 – 光療(一) By 預見造化

(2012-01-06 18:06:45) 下一个

原文鏈接 -http://hazel8.pixnet.net/blog/post/27252645

[為造福更多人,保留了原博文的英譯] ~~


In response to the world food shortage, how can we eat less and at the same time maintain our energy level to keep up daily activities? For your reference, I’ve summarized the detailed information provided by H as follows:


在清晨與黃昏,選擇一處空氣清新、環境較好的地方,很愉悅的觀賞太陽(欣賞日落與日出) ,專心注視十分鐘,同時腳踏地球(赤腳不穿鞋),深呼吸五十次,每一次都觀想所吸進的空氣,蒙受上帝的恩典,得以使肉身一天的活動足夠,讓能量充滿身體,大概十分鐘 (時間不長)。 雙手手心同時朝向太陽。 可心念:蒙上帝恩典  生命的源頭  食物的泉源  能量充滿全身。

The way of living without eating:

In the early morning and at dusk, find a place with fresh air in a good environment, and then look at the sun (enjoy sunset and sunrise) in a joyful mood. Concentrate on sun-gazing for 10 minutes while standing on the ground (barefoot), and take 50 deep breaths. Each time you breathe in, visualize that the air is blessed with God’s grace and that its energy is sufficient to sustain your activities for the whole day. This entire exercise takes about 10 minutes (not very long), and allows your body to be fully charged with energy. During the exercise remember to keep your palms up facing the sun.

You may repeat this prayer silently: “With God’s grace, the source of life, the fountain of food, may the body be full of energy.”


 I started my light therapy exercises near Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. It was a sunny but cold day in Taipei with a temperature of 6 degrees (Celsius), and many people passing by had to keep their hands warm in their pockets. Although I am one of those people who experience cold hands and feet in winter, I felt so hot after sitting in the sun for a while that I would have taken off my coat if I had some place to put it. It was winter, so I found a few good places for sunbathing, like 228 Peace Memorial Park, Yung-Ho No.4 Park (Taipei), etc. It’s very comfortable to sit on a bench, usually after I sat in the sun for a while and felt too hot; I would take a break and then continue.


While doing light therapy, my eyes were closed and I absorbed the solar energy with my wisdom eye instead of my naked eyes. I could feel a flow of energy in the wisdom eye spreading slowly to my eyes, and gradually it heated up, which made the area above the eyes hot in contrast to the cold feeling below them(I checked in the mirror after going home, to see if my skin looked like the zebra crossing, but no, it hadn’t.). After the energy in the wisdom eye faded , it shifted to my left palm and started to spread through my left hand as it gradually heated up. Then, as the energy faded and shifted to my right palm, the same process was repeated: energy spreading, heating up gradually, fading, starting over from wisdom eye again….  


It is mentioned in the book “Ancient Teachings for Beginners” that the third eye is located between the brows in the energy zone of low frequencies, and it belongs to the physical realm; while the wisdom eye is situated in the center of the forehead in high frequency energy zone, and belongs to the spiritual realm. According to the historical records of ancient civilizations, people at that time used sunlight for healing and general health. Early spiritual practitioners drew eyes on the palms of the Thousand-arm and Thousand-eye Quanyin (Goddess of Mercy) in the paintings, and this has since become a tradition. The chakra system of the human body shows that there are chakras in the palms. When the palm chakra spins counter-clockwise, it indicates that negative energy is being released; when it spins clockwise, it means energy is absorbed.


After doing the light therapy for a few times, the result was: I really was not hungry anymore, and my appetite was greatly reduced.  I would feel too full and uncomfortable if I ate like I did usually. It is clear that human survival instincts originally allowed us to live without relying on food. Light therapy helps to lose weight and also provides the basic elements to sustain the body’s needs. It is truly God's grace.

感謝H協助提供完整的資料。筆者打坐到一半,趁著靈感還在,先完成這篇。結果,打坐了多久都忘囉!Thanks for H’s help.

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