

Son and Mom

(2015-04-21 05:19:48) 下一个
What do you want to do when you grow up?

I'm always curious about how my fourth grader thinks about his future.  About a month ago when we laid down on the bed chatting, I asked: "What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I don't know."  Son turned his head away.  He didn't like this topic, I could tell. :)

"You don't have a goal?  Any Plan?"  But I didn't want to give up.

"No I don't. "

"Why not? "

"Because...'Plans are nothing, planning is everything'. "  

Hahaha, he always surprises me with his wits.  

Mom, you are beautiful.

"Mom, your hair is beautiful. " The boy stared at my hair, then looked at me, "You are beautiful."  he added firmly.

"Do you want to have a girlfriend like mom? " I never missed any chance of teasing him. 

"I'll try." He answered with the old smile like he always had when we had fun with each other.

"Do you know what you need to do to have a girlfriend like that?"  Haha

"Yes, be handsome, smart..."

"And strong." I added.  Making my boy strong had been my focus.  :)



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