

(2011-10-01 08:37:43) 下一个
1. 尽量使用简单的单词直接的措辞短语
2. 避免套话,过于常见的短语和非特别的一些信息
3. 使用好的组织结构
4. 检查拼写和语法错误





1. 描述的东西是不是简明扼要? 有没有罗嗦重复地方
2. 是不是每个句子和每段文字都表达了一个特别的,有意义的观点?
3. 能不能组合几个段落来表达统一观点? 
4. 文字排版是不是过于拥挤,字体是不是太小?


1. 润色和修改:把写好了的草稿放上几个月再来看看,或是多写几稿
2. 要求反馈:把写好了的你满意了的草稿送给别人看朋友,家长,教师,研究生,要求他们提供建议
3. 最后就是校对:要做到逐字逐句,一点不漏 

在网上发表的Writing Personal Statements for Graduate School”改写而成,有兴趣的朋友可参考:

 下面我就附上两篇个人陈述样本,都选自Virginia Tech. 英语系的网站,其格式与写法可供大家参考。
个人陈述例一:学校的要求是“Why do you want to attend this particular graduate program? ”

Personal Statement

By Thomas Blaszak

Like millions of boys during childhood, I dreamed of becoming a professional athlete. Driven by my heart, I found baseball came easier than other activities. Week after week, I spent hours on the diamond, which soon became a second home. My dreams, however, swiftly crashed into reality the day I was cut from the Junior Varsity Baseball team. Shocked and devastated, I stepped back from my dream wondering where my life would go from there. At a time when I felt the world had ended, little did I realize that another one was just beginning. Being cut from the team never altered my aspirations in baseball, but it forced me to find and pursue an alternative outside of athletics.

I could have taken the easy route and followed the footsteps of my father and two older siblings toward an engineering career; however, I sought a profession about which I could be as passionate as I was about baseball. Over time, I came to discover an interest in the medical field, more specifically in veterinary medicine. Initially my interest was propelled by a love for animals, but during the past few years, valuable experiences have both educated and confirmed my interest in veterinary medicine as a field in which I can make a difference.

With the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine located right on campus, Virginia Tech was the ideal school in which to pursue an undergraduate degree and obtain background knowledge of veterinary medicine and profession itself. My job at the veterinary teaching hospital in the small animal clinic has helped shape for me a clear view of the profession. Each case admitted to the teaching hospital is handled with individual attention. Patient care is thoroughly monitored and recorded for reference. I have been able to observe and assist in many critical situations and procedures, such as thoracic taps, open wound care, and catheter placement. Interacting with doctors and fourth year students has given me a better understanding of the profession and dedication. I will need to reach my goal. My interactions with highly-trained professionals have given me an understanding about how a teaching hospital operates and have encouraged me to pursue a residency program to specialize in a specific area of veterinary medicine. Meanwhile, fourth year students have contributed to my learning by explaining cases and offering wisdom learned through personal experiences. 

In addition to my job at the teaching hospital, I have undertaken research to provide a framework for my experience. As a volunteer in the Force-Plate Laboratory, I observed through hands-on applications several laboratory principles and techniques. Using a pressure sensitive plate, we measured the effectiveness of an FDA research drug to relieve pain generated from hip dysplasia. The force plate laboratory provided me with a different type of research beyond the typical laboratory world of glassware and pipettes.

Since I was born and raised in an urban area, I had minimal experience with livestock and their care. As a freshman at Virginia Tech, however, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to shadow Dr. William Beal of the Animal and Poultry Science Department and to assist in his graduate student’s research on the effects of alternate feeds on embryo grade and development in cows. Interacting with cattle for the first time ignited in me an interest in large animals and opened my eyes to the various possibilities available in animal research. In my first experience with large animals, Dr. Beal taught and allowed me to perform most of the work. In fact, working with Dr. Beal provided an educational atmosphere that again took me beyond the typical world of textbooks.

Currently, I am working with Dr. Nathan in the Engineering Department on a research project to develop a biosensor. My work focuses on the biological components of the biosensor. As with my other experiences, this project has provided me with reallife applications of classroom knowledge. Instead of just learning, I am

doing. Being involved in such different types of research has given me a broad spectrum of knowledge and a respect for the field and the information it can provide.

While I may not have the in-depth veterinary experience of some applicants, my desire goes far beyond that of an average person. It even incorporates and has been sustained by a bit of my original love—athletics. As a varsity athlete during my undergraduate education, I have developed an understanding of the work and dedication required to achieve success and maintain a constant drive for excellence. Also as a result of my involvement with athletics, I have learned to manage and balance a busy schedule, while maintaining success in the classroom. Many parallels can be made between varsity athletics and veterinary school.

I am willing to make the necessary sacrifices in order to achieve my goals. My dream to play professional baseball still lurks deep inside and would be a tremendous opportunity if offered, but currently a different aspiration takes precedence over that childhood fantasy. Veterinary medicine has opened my eyes and heart to a new goal.
个人陈述例二:学校的要求是“Tell us something about your background that made you decide to pursue X career.”

Personal Statement

When I was 10 years old, four friends and I built a mummy. In the corner of our Ninth Avenue Elementary School classroom, inside an area squared off by the strategic placement of low bookshelves, we dipped strips of newspaper in flour glue and applied them to the chicken-wire form that my father had spent hours molding into the shape of a man. In another corner of the classroom, five of my fellow classmates painted a wooden sarcophagus with hieroglyphics gleaned from an encyclopedia brought in especially for the purpose.

I now know that this was a classroom project that our student teacher, fresh from
campus at Ohio State University, had pulled together to make the book

The Egypt Game come alive for her first class of students. I now know that while we were enjoying playing in paste up to our elbows, she was probably worried about whether her project would receive a passing or a failing grade. She paced the room, she took pictures, she fretted about the paint smears on the sarcophagus. At the time, though, all I realized was that I was having fun—and that a book had never made me feel this way before.

Thanks to
The Egypt Game and that student teacher, whose name has become lost to me but whose energy and excitement have not, I had found my vocation. Literature would from that time forward hold a place in my life above bicycles, hula hoops, and ice cream sundaes at Baskin-Robbins.

For my birthdays, for Christmas, and for special occasions, I received books.
Nancy Drew. Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators.
Misty of Chincoteague. Black Beauty. And my own copy of The Egypt Game. I devoured them. Their plots ran like films in my head as I snuggled into bed at night.

What that student teacher gave to me that spring was a gift beyond measure.
Although I cannot remember her name, I will always remember the thrill of the story, the vivid mental pictures I created of the characters and their activities, the excitement as the plot neared its climax. As an elementary school teacher, I hope to be able to impart the same gift to my own students, to make them eager to dip their hands in paste and make the printed word come to life in a corner of the classroom. I want to teach as I was taught.
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