

A Thousand Miles Deep/深海

(2011-08-06 21:15:51) 下一个

A Thousand Miles Deep/深海

                                                A pool of little fish/一江小鱼

A beautiful autumn leaf/一片美丽的秋叶

Floating on the peaceful sea/

Only I am a little blue fish/我是一只小鱼

A thousand miles deep/在深海里,忧郁

I’m turning tricks/我在变戏法

I’m getting fixed /我在吸毒品

I'm afraid to lose my grip/害怕我一放手

And let you slip/你会飘走

I have my promises to keep/可是我有诺言要守

I can only weep/我只能

A thousand miles deep/在深海里,哭泣

Tide up and tide down/潮起潮落

You are getting closed to the shore/你已飘近海滩

And Sorry I have to leave/难过,不能再傍你左右

'Cause I can’t breathe/y因为我,无法呼吸

Somewhere beyond the sea/在这片海之外

So pleaselet it be /请让一切随波逐流

And let me go asleep /请让我

A thousand miles deep/在深海里,沉睡

PS: 先写了英文版的,念了几遍,很押韵,自我感觉良好。试着翻译成中文,少了一些味道和意境,没办法完全表达好,只好凑合着用。

灵感来自昨天听了的两首歌:Leonard CohenA thousand kisses deep,和赵传的深海。这是两首巨好听的歌。