How to love yourself first, then give your love away
神要我们爱别人就像爱自己一样。Love your neighbors as yourself. 一个不爱自己的人,是无法去爱别人的。现代的许多人有或多或少的精神忧郁症。一个整日忧郁的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。
昨天,又是一个星期二的晚上,我很久前就在本子上签下了名字,自愿主持alanon meeting. 这个星期是主体会, 我选了这个主题,focus on myself. 集中精力到自己。外面的气温已是零下26度,没有挡住这些渴望改变自己的人们来参加讨论。
我在没有接触alanon 以前,从来没有考虑过这个问题,刚开始看到这个,还吓一大跳,这不是让我们自私自利吗?但是却恰恰相反。后来慢慢越来越懂得,这是人精神心理健康很重要的一步。前些天,看了远志明的讲道,说夫妻间要赤裸裸的面对。其实,我要赤裸裸的面对自己,爱自己,集中精力到自己,就是要照顾好自己的心。我常常在不知不觉中就让很多不好的东西溜了进来。或许你会说,江山易改秉性难移,是呀,这也是好难得一门功课,如何真正的爱自己。
November 5
Sometimes what I do is less important than why I do it. For instance, If I choose to speak up when something bothers me, my motives for speaking will influence what I say and how I say it. If I speak because I feel it is right action for me to take and because I have need to express myself, then the focus in on me. The listener's reactions become less important.
But if I speak out in order to maniplulate or change another person,then their reaction becomes the focus of my attention and the measure by which I evaluate the results.
I may use exactly the same words in both situations, but I am likely to feel much better about the experience if my focus in on myself. Ironcially, the results usually seem more fovorable that way as well.
Today's reminder
Today, instead of aiming only for the results, I will consider taking actions because they seem to be the right actions for me.
" Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would will still plant my apple here." Martin Luther
我以前常常心直口快的说出自己的观点,而这个观点常常会是给人的建议,期望别人为此改变。内心里并没有集中精力到自己,我的脑子里经常想到的都是别人的事。这种经常给别人提建议的,而并没有好好的管理自己的心。在我非常痛苦的时候,不明白为什么自己付出了这么多,结果却是这样。我的朋友借给我一本书看,是关于CO-DEPENDENCY. 里面有一个表格,我做了测试之后,哇,我有好多条都符合,好像翻译过来,叫关怀强迫症。