五四青年节, 这个美丽的春日, 第一次hiking, 还是去了那个容易的allen bill pond, 虽然很多次到这个trail, 竟然还走错了, 应该在第二个桥头左转,却转了在第一个。
山上的雪水在融化,小溪忙碌着流着, 远处仍然是雪山, 连绵不断,大口呼吸着,大声吆喝听到山谷的回音,清新聊着天,回忆遥远的童年, 如火的大学时光, 人生最尴尬的时刻,青年时最痛恨的家务活, 10年的低谷, 上帝关上一扇门,会在合时的时候开启另一扇门。
走过的路,有个好听的名字, Sugar Mama, ......遇到一对老夫妻, 一起登山, 暗自下决心, 我也要走到老, 到老了也要滑雪,登山。
可口,三文治, 两种肉, 3种奶酪, 品尝一个用心做出来的情感, 此时望着桌上的玫瑰, 只是想, 感谢上帝, 感谢昨日那美好的一天, 感谢此时的安静。
美好的2013 hiking 开始了。
I never planned to start a summer hiking like that, it was such a beautiful and perfect day. And it was special for me.
Since it was the first hike and it was a new page, I decide to write every hike trail since now on.
Beside Allen bill pond, this hiking trial is a short one, and very popular, parking in allen bill pond, walking under the bridge, go further, we lost due to my mistake. The trail head starts after the second bridges not the first one, well there are cross country ski trails on the right.
Before, I never know the trail can go further, now I know some pretty names, mama sugar, Ranger summit, we never saw the view point, well it was still good. The snow man will fever in my memories.
After down, sitting at rockes enjoy the sunset, enjoy the food, listenning to the music of creeks, what a day!
The best part is in the bare hill, so quiet, feel heart beating.
What next?