


(2015-01-08 13:39:43) 下一个
刚刚过去的那个寒假, 没有出去旅游, 没有任何体育比赛,钢琴课,甚至没有几个朋友聚会。 计划好的装修卫生间也没有太多进展。 当然更不打游戏。 全家人在一起,甚至都没有出去吃几次饭,就那么做做饭,看看电视, 购物,在家傻玩,两个星期一眨眼就过去了。  

我的任务就是做饭,做很多很好吃的饭,点心等等。 两个孩子在一起自在的傻玩儿,自己找乐子。 七岁的小儿子长高了,体重也突破了46磅,真是让我满心欢喜。 九岁的大儿子天天和弟弟打一会儿乒乓球,竟然自己琢磨出了上旋发球和下旋发球。 当然了,寒假的最后一天, 我还是俗了,让孩子自己写 "the most memorable moment of my winter break".  


My most memorable times are teh star watching in W (location).  We tried to find Lovejoy- a comet, but sadly we didn't succeed.  Betelgeuse Supernova was one of the most interesting fact.  Luckily we saw a ring around the moon, it was actually thousands of crystals surrouding the moon.  

We also saw Orion and the 7 sisters.  And also they talked about this Supernova that exploded  into clouds of dust and the clouds of dust kept growing and they said that that would happen to the Sun too.  And they were showing all kinds of galaxys.  This was very encouraging to sudy stars and keep the knowledge and pass it on. 

背景注释。 这次观测星空,是在一个很荒凉的 Widerness Center. 冬天的晚上七点多, 我们家在漆黑的路上开几十分钟,才到了观测站。孩子他爸有点害怕,埋怨我出的馊主意,心血来潮,根据网上的一个信息,不管不顾的就来了。  但是到了观测点, (方圆几十里没有灯光), 那天正好满月,还有几十个天文爱好者和几个很酷的,很有知识,滔滔不绝给孩子们讲星星的 故事的科学家。气氛好极了。  我在纯自然的星光和月光下被沐浴了几个小时,那种身心舒畅的感觉,文字真是形容不出来。 

Some of my most memorable times during winter break is the choir performance at Chirstmas Eve.  I think this is memorable time because it is a great feeling to sing in front of people.  It is very relaxing and it calms me down.  The songs are great too! Ilearnt 4 more songs and sing at least one every day.  I really like participating in the church choir.
I also think that just being at home, eating good  food, sleeping and just spending time with my family is great.  I am looking forward to next year.

背景注释。 哥哥小时候唱歌是走调的,和我一样,是先天五音不全的孩子。 但是现在变成了一个爱唱歌的人,真是让人惊喜。 

从这个周六开始, 各种活动又要开始了。 游泳,象棋,足球,篮球,等等等等。 我写下这篇小文,希望暑假的时候, 也能还能有这样闲适的时光。 

另外,给我70岁的妈妈打电话,说寒假什么也没干。我妈妈特别高兴,说孩子这是在自己“找补” 呢, 这样安排真是太棒了!  我这个老妈妈, 孩子她姥姥, 还是挺开明的。 
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