


(2010-12-22 21:18:13) 下一个

      我在网上看到的《三国演义》英文版是汉学家Brewitt-Taylor 翻译的《Romance of the Three Kingdoms》(这个文题的翻译我持保留意见)。作者兴致勃勃地宣称,此译本比原著还好,原因: 1 附有与《三国志》、《资治通鉴》等历史典籍的对比说明; 2 附有三国地图; 3 电子版读者阅读时可留言讨论。我虽不敢完全苟同作者观点,但看了本章节后,还是觉得译本有原著风采,不失佳作。

1 关于子龙人名和青釭剑名的翻译。

       这回目 “刘玄德携民渡江 赵子龙单骑救主”翻 译为“ Liu Bei Leads His People Over The River; Zhao Zilong Rescues The Child Lord At Dangyang ”,赵云的名字是译成子龙的字: Zhao Zilong !我把若干主要人物的名字浏览了一下,三位在中文版演义作者以字呼之的人物刘备、关羽、诸葛亮则翻译成: Liu Bei , Guan Yu , Zhu Geliang ,其他人物更是全翻译的名。看来本版译者对子龙也好似情有独钟。青釭剑名译为“ Blue Blade ”,这个翻译就是直接译为“蓝色的剑”了,西人貌似爱把“青”译为“ blue” ,青鸟也是译为“ blue bird ”。此处读者讨论颇为热烈,有人认为剑名很不好译,有人因为感到没译出剑名的神韵,强烈表示想学中文。

2 关于人物对话的翻译。


       "Perhaps he has gone over," said Zhang Fei. "He must see that we are nearly lost and there are riches and honors on the other side." "He has followed me faithfully through all my misfortunes. His heart is firm as a rock. No riches or honors would move him," said Liu Bei.

        玄德说的“子龙 从我于患难,心如铁石,非富贵所能动摇也”可谓译得神形皆备。

        "Say," said Zhao Zilong, "that I will seek the lost ones in heaven or hell, through good or evil. And if I find them not, I will die in the battlefield."

        这是英雄人物的内心表白,原文是  “ 我上天入地,好歹寻主母与小主人来。如寻不见,死在沙场上也! ”  此处用字贴切,“上天入地”等关键字翻译得丝丝入扣,有读者留言“ How courageous! -- This is the best quote I've seen in the entire book. Zhao Yun is incredibly loyal. ”,可见译文也深具艺术感染力。

       "My child will live then since you are here," cried Lady Mi. "Pity him, O General! Protect him, for he is the only son of his father's flesh and blood. Take him to his father, and I can die content."  " It is my fault that you have suffered," replied Zhao Zilong. "But it is useless to say more. I pray you take my horse, while I will walk beside and protect you till we get clear."

       这是糜夫人和子龙的对话,总的来说是尽得原著精髓,“骨血”翻译为“ flesh and blood ”非常贴切自然。只有糜夫人原话中的“(他父亲)飘零半生”没翻出来,但是增加了一个感叹词“ O General! ”,表达糜夫人急切的希望,读后亦觉感人。

3 、关于战斗场面的翻译  

        Ma Yan and Zhang Zi following and Jiao Chu and Zhang Neng in front, his state seemed desperate, but Zhao Zilong quailed not.

       As the men of Cao Cao came pressing on, Zhao Zilong drew Cao Cao's own sword to beat them off. Nothing could resist the blue blade sword. Armor, clothing, it went through without effort and blood gushed forth in fountains wherever it struck. So the four generals were soon beaten off, and Zhao Zilong was once again free.

       不如原著精炼,原著中“云乃拔青釭剑乱砍,手起处,衣甲平过,血如涌泉” 22 个字就描述了的场景这里译了 34 个单词,译者还自行加了“赵子龙身陷绝境,但他毫无惧色”等等原著没有的话。不过翻译得还算生动,子龙武艺高强、临危不惧的艺术形象经过翻译没有打折扣。而且从译者自行添加的字句可以看出,译者对子龙也非常欣赏喜爱,大约还有照顾西方读者,怕他们看不懂,解释一下的意思。

4 关于诗词的翻译

       这部分很难尽得神韵,要将中文诗精准地译为英文诗,除非翻译功夫以至化境。但译者还是认真地将这些译诗单列出来,放在粉色的框内。比如以下两首。 血染征袍透甲红,当阳谁敢与争锋!古来冲阵扶危主,只有常山赵子龙。

Blood dyed the fighting robe and crimsoned his buff coat;
None dared engage the terrible warrior at Dangyang;
In the days of old lived the brave Zhao Zilong,
Who fought in the battlefield for his lord in danger.

       这段意思是翻译出来了,但是由于中英文发音差距太大的缘故音韵之美丧失殆尽,不过译者把“红 ” 译为“ crimson ”,深红的意思,本人认为还不错,据说颜色词在英语当中是一大特色。


From out Cao Cao's host a tiger rushed,
His wish but to destroy;
Though Liu Bei's consort lost her life,
Zhao Zilong preserved her boy.
"Too great the risk you ran to save this child," the father cried.
To show he rated Zhao Zilong high,
He threw his son aside


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