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基础版饼干方子(Basic cookie recipe)

(2023-12-20 16:02:57) 下一个

节日快到了, 记录一个饼干方子, 简单好做又好吃。 一位西人朋友给我的, 这几年烘培少, 但这个方子用得比较顺手, 经常用。

昨天想烤一些饼干, 突然想不起这张 recipe 放哪儿了,终于找到了朋友打印出来的那张珍贵的方子。于是烤好饼干, 然后英翻中, 整理一下, 方便以后查找。

柠檬蓝莓版 (下面的食材可以做12个 cookies, 我通常翻倍做24, 或24+ 饼干)


黄油, 30 ml, 相当于1/2 条或56克

糖1/3杯, 白糖红糖即可

盐 ½ 茶匙 (teaspoon)


面粉 2/3 杯


苏打粉 (baking powder) ½ 茶匙

柠檬水1-2 汤匙(tablespoon)

¼ 杯蓝莓, 或者干果 (蔓越莓、杏干)或者 chocolate chips ,少许坚果比如杏仁、核桃亦可



室温软化黄油, 加入糖搅拌均匀(啥机器都莫用, 就是一个大碗, 筷子、勺都可以, 做得多可以用搅拌器);

加入鸡蛋, 拌匀;

混合好面粉、小苏打、盐、奶粉, 并筛入上面的糊糊中;

加入柠檬水, 搅拌均匀;


从冰箱取出面团, 用小勺挖成半球, 放在铺好的烤盘烤纸 (parchment paper)上;

大约烤15分钟左右, 饼干边角微黄即可;


方子大致翻好了, 后面附上朋友的一段话, 英文照搬, 中文的翻译翻不出原文的韵味, 从这段文字大家细细体会吧:

For me, baking cookies is always a little experimental with variations according to what I have in the kitchen or want to try. I like cookies that are flat and a little crispy so if the dough is too thick I add a little liquid which can be water, milk, or liquid flavoring (vanilla extract, lemon juice, etc.). If the cookie dough is thicker, it will make cookies that are more like semispheres that are less crispy which some people prefer.

I used to make cookies strictly according to a recipe, measuring everything. As a teenager, I met a professional cook who worked for a wealthy family. I often visited that family after school. Once I ate too many chocolate chip cookies and there were not enough left for the father so the cook scolded me. I wanted to see how she consistently made the very best cookies I had ever tasted. I was shocked that she quickly made a new batch without using a written recipe or any measuring cups or spoons. She just put the ingredients in a bowl and mixed them up. She made cookies do often that she just “knew” how to do it by eyesight. Ever since then, I have been experimenting with small batches. Sometimes it works better or worse. But it is always fun to experiment with different ingredients and spices.

这不就是“无他, 但手熟尔”吗?做任何事情皆如此。

朋友是一位出生在美国的退休教授,人类学家, 语言大家,略懂中文,还联手和香港中文大学的同仁出版过中文著述。上个世纪六十年代末,年轻的她也是一位怀有理想有激情的热血青年。 出于对美国越战的强烈愤慨, 她和男友(后来成了老公)出逃到荷兰,当时怀里只有几十块钱。 后来他们辗转求学美国、加拿大, 她念完了博士,后来在老公工作的地方找到教职安定下来。

年轻的时候能够肆意飞扬地愤青一把, 做一回激情澎拜的热血青年, 也是人生一大幸事!


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