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摘要: 从上个世纪八十年代开始,中国有大量留学生前往美国留学,其中有相当一批人学成后留在了美国,成家立业。本故事描写一位叫丁一的美国华裔教授回到中国开展合作,遇到许多奇奇怪怪的人物和故事。三十年的改革开放,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,光怪陆离。面对金钱和美女的诱惑,丁一已经不认识生于斯长于斯的故国家园。在伦理道德面前,他感到迷惘,痛苦,相信中国终有一天会 。。。。。。
Abstract: From 80s of the last century, China sent a large number of PhD students to the United States. Some of them stayed in the United States after graduation, got married and had successful career. This fiction novel describes Professor Ding Yi who had scientific collaboration with a Chinese academic institution. He met many strange people and had many bizarre stories in China. Thirty years of reform and open-door policy transformed China completely upside down, so elusive. Seduced by money and dazzling girls, Ding Yi did not recognize the homeland where he grew up. Struggling with the morality, he felt painful and confused. He believed that China someday would be ......