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“时间场”论 - 哲学话题

(2025-03-08 03:02:07) 下一个


近日出版了一本英文哲学论著《A Brief History of European Philosophy: Key Thinkers and Ideas through the Ages》。在书的结尾部分,我提出了关于宇宙的时间场论点,从全新的视角探讨诠释了时间在宇宙中本质的哲学含义。现介绍如下:

英文阐述(English version)

Time Field theory (or Time Force or Time Matrix)

  1. Beyond the Traditional Concept of Time: Our current understanding of time in the universe is limited to its linear progression from past to present to future, a unidirectional flow that can be called positive time. However, time could also extend in the reverse directionfrom the future to the present and then to the pastreferred to as negative time. Furthermore, time might extend in multiple directions simultaneously, forming what can be called a Time Field. Therefore, in addition to the Material Field (such as the macroscopic world studied in relativity and the microscopic world explored in quantum mechanics), there exists a Time Field.
  2. Interaction Between Time and Material Fields: The interaction between the Time Field and the Material Field drives the evolution of the universe. The Time Field is dominant and possesses elasticity and flexibility. Under the control of the Time Field, the Material Field continuously creates and evolves more complex and advanced forms of matter (such as life and extraterrestrial beings). The Time Field directs and propels the universes development across multiple dimensions and in countless directions without limits. Any event in the universe must occur within the Time Field, which serves as the ultimate framework for cosmic evolution. Without the Time Field, there would be no Material Field. If the Time Field ceased, the universes development would also stop. Thus, the Time Field is essential for the existence and progression of the universe.
  3. Positive and Negative Time: Positive time corresponds to the currently expanding universe. Conversely, negative time aligns with a contracting universe.
  4. Human Perception of the Time Field: Humanity exists within a Time Field situated in the realm of positive time and the expanding universe. Our perception is inherently limited and unable to detect the universes development in other temporal directions.





2)时间场和物质场的相互作用:时间场 和物质场的相互作用推动了宇宙的发展。时间场具有主宰性,且具有弹性和伸缩性。在时间场的控制下,物质场不断创造演变出更复杂更高级的物质形式(譬如生命和外星人)。 时间场控制并推动着宇宙从多个维度向着不同方向无止境地发展,没有极限。宇宙发生的任何事件,都必须在时间场内完成,这是宇宙演变发展的终极标志。没有时间场,就没有物质场。如果时间场停顿,宇宙的发展也就随之停止了。没有时间场,也就没有宇宙的发展。





《A Brief History of European Philosophy: Key Thinkers and Ideas through the Ages》中文简介:

西方哲学史不仅是思想体系的演进史,更是一场对人类自身的持续探索。它从未固守任何既定真理,而是在思辩与对话中不断推陈出新,形成多样的学派和观点,展现出人类理性追求的无穷魅力。在这一过程中,哲学家扮演了不可替代的角色,他们的思想推动了西方社会的变革,奠定了西方文化的核心价值观,每个时代的西方哲学家都在思想的探索中留下了独特的印记,为人类思维和知识的发展建立了重要的里程碑。为了帮助读者更好地理解西方哲学史上重要的发展阶段,本书罗列了西方哲学史上各阶段的73位哲学名家(包括三位美国哲学家),介绍他们的生平和哲学思想,为读者提供了可贵的参考资料。通过对他们的熟悉和了解,可以清晰地把握脉搏和走向,将各个阶段串联起来,不失为一条学习欧洲哲学史的捷径。在本书的结尾,作者自己提出了一种关于宇宙的哲学猜想,即时间场论(Time Field,or Time Force, or Time Matrix),从全新的视角探讨诠释了存在的本质与时间本身。



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美国严教授 回复 悄悄话 多谢留言。恕我不能同意您的观点。在写书的过程中,发现每位哲学家都持有自己的观点,对世界的理解非常不同,这大概正是哲学的魅力所在。我提出的观点是自己的思考而已,而且深信不疑,我思故时间在:)
ZGBD01 回复 悄悄话 時間並不存在,無非是智慧生命為了方便描述自然自己創造出來的一個數學參數。如果我們不得不承認時間是存在的,時間也就是只有過去和將來,現在是並不存在,更不要說時間是多維的。我思故我在。