2011 (231)
2012 (120)
2013 (207)
2015 (1)
2016 (85)
龙虾是海鲜里的霸王,既好吃又霸气,在庆祝父亲节的大餐上吃龙虾是再合时宜不过了。龙虾这东西好看,好吃,但不好做。俺家有一位老美朋友是在洛杉矶做海鲜生意的,他从小在美国的龙虾之乡缅因州长大,深知龙虾之道。他常和俺聊天说龙虾这东西,很早以前,西方的富人们不吃这东西,龙虾只是鱼夫们桌上的美食。不知从何时起,鱼夫们桌上的美食也成了贵族们的爱好,而且龙虾一举成为海鲜里的霸主。在美国,除了缅因州外,一般只在重大场合的宴会上才供应Lobster Tails,如今年三月的医生节的庆祝午宴上,俺就美美地享用了一只Lobster Tail。但西人做的龙虾肉质比较粗,得沾着黄油吃,其味道充其量也就象“Chicken”。
新港龙虾 (Newport Special Lobster)
新港龙虾 (Newport Special Lobster)
新港龙虾 (Newport Special Lobster)
椒盐中虾 (Salt & Pepper Fried Shrimp)
宫保肉排 (Kong Pao Pork Chop)
泰式牛腩 (Thai Style Beef Stew)
清炒通菜 (Sauteed Ong Choy)
香草大蚬 (Clam with Basil Sauce)
虾球炒蛋 (Shrimp with Scramble Egg)
清蒸全鱼 (Steamed Whole Fish)
酸辣汤 (Hot and Sour Soup)
我也觉得每家广东馆子的龙虾都差不多。不过这家新港海鲜确实有口碑,在LAS TUNAS这种相对比较偏的地方这么些年都是顾客盈门。
As we wander through our unfolding life, we each search for the promised land of personal authenticity and a vibrant life. The Holy One becomes the door, providing safe passage and clearance to what lies ahead in the journey to wholeness. The Door of Divinity is a channel of love, constantly available for us to pass through as we enter our chamber of transformation. As we continue this journey throughout our lifetime, the Door of Divinity always stands open as a grace-filled passageway.
Joyce Rupp
518 West Las Tunas Drive. San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 289 5998
同意“吃过就知道。” - 想知道李子的滋味,就要亲口尝一尝嘛!
Newport Seafood isn’t a good place to bring somebody who’s indecisive. The menu at the Vietnamese-influenced Chinese restaurant offers a whopping 131 options, with entire blocks of print devoted to elephant clam, frog and abalone/sea cucumber. However, you’d do best just to stand by the seafood tanks near the entrance, point and pick. That’s where the prized sea creatures reside.
To 我说两句吧: 有机会请让我们看看你的手艺,或者在WXC里show一下,眼见为实啊!
To appleping: 英雄所见略同。。。谢谢!