
瑜伽笔记之一 -- 什么是瑜伽

(2011-10-17 12:00:51) 下一个
-- Richard Hittleman's "YOGA 28 day exercise plan"之摘录
what is yoga?

Yoga is a system of self-development, a Sanskrit word meaning"union" that make possible an integration of the body, mind andspirit.
There are two major types of Yogas that concern us aremeditation (Raja) physical (Hatha).

why is yoga?

Human beings are "disjointed". That is the body, emotions, mind andspirit pull in their own directions as each, in turn, demands thefulfillment of its own needs and desires.
This causes a continual separation and prevents the individualfrom functioning as an integrated whole wherein his full potentialis realized.
The two major yogas that concern here are Raja (meditation)and Hatha (physical) yoga, with emphasis on the latter. Theobjectives of Hatha are twofold:
(1) to cultivate the natural beauty of the body and attain a highstate of health.
(2) to awaken a great power that lies dormant in the organism andutilize it for developing one's own unique, individualpotential.
That is to achieve self-realization.

Hatha yoga have been carefully designed to promote health andbeauty as well as stimulate energies that will be of extremeimportance in the days to come.

Back Stretch and Cobra exercises are not only powerful looseningtechniques
but they help to release energy that can be trapped in the spineand joints.
Compare with most systems of calisthenics, the Yoga session isdesigned to be a highly pleasurable experience,
that is, the movements are performed in relaxing, slow motionwith very few repetitions,
no strain should ever be felt and the practice sessions leaveyou feeling elevated and revitalized, not drained.
(1) 培养身体自然美,获得高水平健康。
(2) 唤醒休眠在人体内的巨大动力开发人的潜力,获得自我实现。
who should yoga?

Everyone include housewife, office workers and professionalwomen.

It is important for the yoga students to distinguish betweenordinary activity
and exercise. The duties of the housewife (cleaning, shopping,child care)
actually promote conditions of physical and emotional stress.
You will believe this when you see them tense, irritable,overweight, flabby,
depressed and complaining of many types of aches and pains. Purerest will not
workout those conditions of tension, sluggishness and stiffness inthe back,
shoulders and legs that have resulted from the day'sactivities.

Health and beauty must be renewed on a daily basis. Yoga is theperfect answer,
since only a brief, enjoyable period every day is necessary toovercome tension.

How to start with yoga?

A yoga mat, loose clothing allow for complete freedom ofmovement.

Before begining the day's exercises, assume the cross-leggedposture and spend
one minute in allowing your body and mind to become quiet, putaside all
thoughts and activities that might be distracting. This way youwill derive
not only the physical benefits of Yoga but throughout the remainderof the day
you will radiate the beauty and peace that are within.
Totally involv to your practice. Feel what is happening inyour organism;
learn to feel the stretching, become the stretch; feel thestimulation;
feel the release of energy within you; feel therelaxation.

One must never become discouraged or decide that any of thesepositions is too
difficult. The response of even the most stubborn areas of the bodyto the
ingenious Yoga movements is truly astonishing.

When yoga?

90 minutes after eating. You body are more flexible in theafternoons and evenings.
20-30 devoted minutes.
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