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出于对文城大咖的尊重, 看到今天诺奖权威亲自现身肯定一些外行"民科"的推论 而且远远比一般说法更极端 (见上博), 兴冲冲的去看看大咖的解读, ..., 



n****u回复悄悄话是真是假? 润涛阎有何评论?

法国病毒学家,因研究艾滋病毒获得2008年诺贝尔医学奖的吕克·蒙塔尼耶教授(Pr Luc Montagnier)4月16日在医学网pourquoidordeur.fr接受采访时称,目前全球大流行的冠状病毒来自武汉一个实验室.





不幸先见到这一段 "不喜勿来"声明:

润涛阎2020-04-17 16:12:54回复悄悄话关于评论的话题。

人有脸, 树有皮, 在人那问些讨教的话时机不对难免被误解成上门挑战的, ..., 就不在人家家里给人添堵了。尽管之前再三表达了涛涛江水之敬意, 犹豫再三, 还是发在自己家吧 - 言论自由, 过期作废, 鱼梗在喉, 不吐不快, 难免得罪了, 从此恐成陌路人! :(

润涛阎回复悄悄话回复 'n*****u' 的评论 :

我没学过法文。也没去看有没有英文报道。我不知道他干嘛搅这混水。当年艾滋病是实验室造的阴谋论经久不息,他也是受质疑者之一。他给出的证据是怎样的?还是搅混水用语 might,could be, possible,highly possible,cann't rule out the possibility, ect. 还是找到了证据了?如果有论文发表,那一定有英文版的版本,那就值得读。搅混水的跟媒体聊天的那就算了。






诺奖权威的论断, 廖廖数语就被打发了, 有点不平。不幸的是, 报导中教授用的词是 "断言 (affirmed 和 assertion )", 针对病毒来源的措词, 没有一处用到阎博上面引用的模糊用词 [教授用词黑体着重]

==声明: 诺奖教授不代表本博观点==

EXCLUSIVE - The thesis of a manipulated virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory:  Prof Luc Montagnier

The coronavirus responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic: a virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory and which is said to harbor DNA sequences from HIV! It is the pavement in the pond launched by Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner in medicine in 2008 for his work on the AIDS virus, but challenged for positions that have sometimes shocked the scientific community.

EXCLUSIVE - The thesis of a manipulated virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory: the pavement in the pool of Pr Luc MontagnierENGENEONLINE / ISTOCK

  •  Posted on 04/16/2020 at 6:00 p.m.

  • Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, says that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China
  • Chinese researchers reportedly used this coronavirus as part of work to develop an AIDS vaccine
  • HIV DNA fragments allegedly found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome

We knew the Chinese version of the emergence of the coronavirus more and more undermined, but here is a thesis that tells a whole different story about the Covid-19 pandemic already responsible for more than 120,000 deaths in the world. According to Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for having "co-discovered" the HIV causing the AIDS epidemic with François Barré-Sinoussi today affirmed that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus and accidentally left a laboratory in Wuhan, China during the last quarter of 2019. This laboratory known to work on coronaviruses, according to Professor Montagnier, sought to use one of these viruses as an HIV vector as part of the looking for an AIDS vaccine!

"With my colleague, the bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we looked closely at the description of the genome of this RNA virus," explained Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr. Jean-François Lemoine for the daily audio journal of Pourquoi Doctor , adding that others had already explored this track: "Indian researchers had already tried to publish the results of analyzes showing that this genome harbored sequences of another virus which is ... HIV, the virus of AIDS, but they were forced to retract, the pressures were too strong! ".

"To insert an HIV sequence into this genome, you need molecular tools"

Faced with these assertions by a professor who is sometimes challenged following iconoclastic positions, in particular on vaccination, one might also think that these conclusions are due to chance and that the coronavirus examined could have been taken from a patient otherwise afflicted with HIV. "No, replies Luc Montagnier, to insert a sequence of HIV into this genome, molecular tools are needed, this can only be done in the laboratory".

According to the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, the explanation is due to an "industrial accident" at the Wuhan laboratory. "The history of the fish market is a beautiful legend ... The assumption is that this virus left the laboratory because it escaped its promoters, it is a work of apprentice-sorcerer!", Estimates he promoting the thesis that the object of this work was the search for an AIDS vaccine.

"The truth always ends up breaking out"

This thesis defended by Professor Luc Montagnier generates in any case "reassuring" information. According to him, the altered elements of this virus eliminate themselves as it spreads: "Nature does not admit any molecular construction, it eliminates these foreign bodies ... even if we does nothing, things will get better, but after a lot of deaths ... ", he announces, advancing all the same a solution. To stop the pandemic, Luc Montagnier says that by using "interfering waves, we could eliminate these sequences".

This is enough to fuel famous debates! To the point that Professor Montagnier's statements could also classify him in the category of "conspirators": "Conspiracies, it's the opposite camp, the one who hides the truth", he replies without wanting to accuse anyone but hoping that the Chinese would recognize what he said happened in their laboratory. "Anyway, the truth always ends up coming out, it's up to the Chinese government to take responsibility." 

Below, the interview with Pr Luc Montagnier...


[转] 法诺贝尔医学奖得主:新冠病毒为中国实验室人造 [链接]

[英中对译 by Google]

[参考消息] 从科学和逻辑的角度解释为什么武汉冠状病毒是人造的


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股聋 回复 悄悄话 股聋2020-04-27 12:33:48回复 'firstuncle' 的评论 :

一叔你又来胡扯,以为大家不懂英文吗? 字里行间不是说让大家注射 lysol 吗?
你让大家 high 一回儿行不行?!

firstuncle 2020-04-25 10:02:00回复悄悄话

“I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute,” “And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets inside the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”

润涛阎2020-04-24 18:57:37


股聋 回复 悄悄话 回复 '吴友明' 的评论 :

诺奖得主和文城大咖意见不一样了, 我都不敢得罪呀
吴友明 回复 悄悄话 你的博文要仰视,太深奥了!
大马哈鱼 回复 悄悄话 林子大了,啥鸟都有。博客既然开了,心理素质要有!赞
股聋 回复 悄悄话 没见过猪跑还没吃过猪肉?

股聋 回复 悄悄话 谢谢土豆点拨! 我呢, 是“狠斗私字一念闪”, 还考虑过此博是不是关闭评论。
土豆-禾苗 回复 悄悄话 把评论关闭、或者不回复评论,是蛮锻炼自己的。文学城没多少人有这种坚定心理,更多会找各种有趣的“替他人着想”的理由。



股聋 回复 悄悄话 回复 '土豆-禾苗' 的评论 :

对呀, 他一定知道的!
土豆-禾苗 回复 悄悄话 也想问一下烦人