Quando me'n vo'
In Italian
Quando me'n vo' soletta per la via,
la gente sosta e mira,
e la bellezza mia tutta ricerca in me,
ricerca in me
Da capo a' piè.Ed assaporo allor la bramosia
sottil che dagli occhi traspira
e dai palesi vezzi intender sa
alle occulte beltà.
Così l’effluvio del desìo tutta m'aggira,
felice mi fa!E tu che sai, che memori e ti struggi,
da me tanto rifuggi?So ben:
le angosce tue non le vuoi dir,
non le vuoi dir, so ben,
ma ti senti morir!
In English
When I walk
When I walk alone in the street
People stop and stare at me
And everyone looks at my beauty,
Looks at me
From head to foot.And then I relish the sly yearning
Which escapes from their eyes
And which is able to perceive
My most hidden beauties.
Thus the scent of desire is all around me,
And it makes me happy!And you who know, who remember and yearn,
You shrink from me?I know it very well:
You do not want to express your anguish,
I know so well that you do not want to express it
but you feel as if you are dying!
漫步街头 简介
《漫步街上》 —— 歌剧《绣花女》中穆塞塔的咏叹 调
"Quando me'n vo", also known as "Musetta's Waltz", is a soprano aria from Act 2 of Puccini's famous opera La bohème.
Main female protagonist, Musetta used to be a young and beautiful music teacher. At New Year’s eve, Musetta runs across his old lover, Marcello, a poet in poverty. Musetta still loves Marcello, and finds out that Marcello, though pretending not to pay attention to her, still cars about her. However, with the presence of her current lover, a rich old merchant, Musetta can not greet Marcellok openly. Therefore, Musetta decides to show off her charm to catch all guys’ attention. She tries every tricks and wisdoms until Marcello can no longer control himself by dashing to her and tightly hugging her with a long and passionate kiss.
叶子 2011年9月22日 于美国

发送悄悄话 我的群组 第2楼 2011-09-23 06:20:48 | | 发表于: 2011-09-23 06:20:48 | [引用] |
|  | WOW! 叶子唱的歌剧(意大利语)!使劲鼓掌啊!!
[返回顶部] |

发送悄悄话 我的群组 第3楼 2011-09-23 11:50:38 | | 发表于: 2011-09-23 11:50:38 | [引用] |
|  |  这么快就独唱出来了?还唱得这么好,叶子厉害!
现在好,想听歌剧就走进叶子家! |

发送悄悄话 我的群组 第6楼 2011-09-24 16:30:52 | | 发表于: 2011-09-24 16:30:52 | [引用] |
|  | 虽然听不懂,但觉得很高雅。 也送你一大束鲜花。  |