2022 (19)
2023 (26)
1.(化学。 中学化学老师教的。老师,杨金生):
2. (金属元素活动顺序表,同上):
3. (音乐,五线谱声号降号 自学《工农兵五线谱》):
声号: 一是G,两是D,三A四E五是B。六个升号升F,七个声号是升C。
降号: 一是F, 两降B, 三降E来四降A。五降D来六降G, 七个降号是降C.
4. (解剖生理。12对脑神经):
5. (巧记英文单词,爸教的):
是 是yes 不 是no,
来 是come 去 是go
火轮船 steamer,
外国大夫 Doctor。
6. 英文歌 妈教的
1)"when its spring time in the Rockies
I am coming back to you
little sweet heart of the mountains,
with your bony eyes of blue
once again I say I love you,
while the birds sing all the day,
little sweet heart of the mountains,
in the Rochies far away"
2) The moon is high,
the sky is blue,
and here am I
but where are you?
Have you forgotten?
the night that we met
with so much to remember
how could you forget
the night like this
has not yet to come true,
and here am I
but where are you..."
3) when its moonlight on the Calarado,
How I wish that I were there with you!
As I sat on pine each lonely shadow,
Take me back to day that we once knew."...
7. 俄语课文 (中学老师,张树昆):
仨莫也 大罗锅也 吾切萝吾一嘎,打 挨打 日意子你 。(意译:人最美丽的是生命 生命属于我们只有一次。)
ki da yi nasha ro ji na, ki da yi weligaya suqiyialis jiqiesgaya,strana,