
试着告诉读者,生活是多样的。每一个活着的人,在多元化的人生时空里, 扮演着某种角色,向着不同的方向展现着自己的千姿百态,书写着与众不同的生 命华章。

24 米洛

(2010-10-25 18:14:33) 下一个
“我的士兵会喜欢柑橘的,”那位指挥驻扎在撒丁岛的四个B26型飞机中队的上校承认。 “有的是柑橘吃,只要你能从伙食费里搞到钱来付帐。”米洛向他保证。
“在大马士革很便宜 (象唱首歌那样)。”
“是你从未见过的、穿着最漂亮的粉红色小纸尿裤的小羊羔。 在葡萄牙,这种小羊排卖得很便宜(象唱首歌那样)。”
“北边部队的那个战斗机指挥官跟我过不去,他不肯合作。” 米洛对骓斗将军抱怨道,“往往一个人就会把整件事给毁了,这一来你就再也吃不上我新鲜的纯黄油煎蛋。”
“波兰香肠,”将军怀旧地感叹道,“要知道,只要能买到一大截波兰香肠,我什么都愿意拿出来。” “你不必拿出来什么。只要给我架飞机,每个食堂一架,外加一名听话的驾驶员。还有,第一次订货时,你得付上一小笔现金作定金。”
米洛·明德宾德的飞机从各处飞了回来,驱逐机、轰炸机,还有运输机接连不断地涌进卡思卡特上校的机场,开飞机的飞行员都是些叫干啥就干啥的人。这些飞机的机身上饰有象征各飞行中队的图案,色彩艳丽夺目。每一个图案代表著一种值得称赞的理想,如勇敢、力量、正义、真理、自由、博爱、荣誉和爱国主义等等。飞机归米洛调遣后,机械师立即用乳白色的油漆刷了两遍,将这些图案涂掉,取而代之的是将事先刻好的标志用耀眼的紫色将“ M&M果蔬产品联合公司”的标志喷在飞机上。这个名称里的“M&M”代表米洛和明德宾德。米洛坦白地透露,之所以要将连接符号“&”插在中间,是为了不让人感到这个辛迪加联合体实际上是由一个人的操纵的。在米洛的调遣下,一架架飞机分别从意大利、北非和英国的机场,以及设在利比里亚、阿森松岛、开罗,还有卡拉奇等地的空运指挥站飞来。那些驱逐机有些被拿来做了交易,以多换几架运输机,有些则留著用来应付紧急托运事宜和运送一些小包裹。他还从地面部队弄来了卡车和坦克,搞短途运输。凡参与的单位人人都有股份,个个吃得发福,两片油光光的嘴唇间,整日里叼著根牙签,懒洋洋地到处逛游。米洛独自掌管著所有的日益扩大的业务。他全神贯注地投入该项工作,褐色皱纹象一条条水獭皮,渐渐地爬满了那张操劳过度的脸,永远也休想消除掉。这一来,他看上去既清醒理智,又满腹狐疑,整天不是为这,就是为那而头疼。除尤塞瑞恩之外,人们都认为米洛是个笨蛋,一则是因为他主动要求去干事务长的工作,二则是因为他干这差事干得太卖力。尤塞瑞恩也认为米洛是个笨蛋,但同时他也知道他是个天才。
“这是在俄国吗?”米洛以怀疑的口吻声嘶力竭地斥责著他们。 “没收?”他尖叫著,好像不相信自己的耳朵似的。“美国政府从什么时候起开始没收私人财产了?你们真不要脸!你们竟会有这么个可怕念头,太不要脸了。”
如今,米洛的庞大的空中商队充斥著天空。一架又一架的飞机源源不断地从各地涌来,从挪威、丹麦、法国、德国、奥地利、意大利、南斯拉夫、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、瑞典、芬兰、波兰等地方涌来。实际上,这些飞机,欧洲的什么地方都去,除了俄国,因为米洛拒绝同俄国做生意。当他找过的那些人都同 “M&M果蔬产品联合公司”签了约以后,米洛又创办了一个集体所有的附属公司,取名为“M&M花色糕点公司”。他又弄来了一些飞机,并从伙食费中拨出更多的公款来做这项生意。他经营的糕点有英伦三岛的烤饼和松饼,有哥本哈根的梅干和丹麦奶酪,还有从巴黎、尼姆斯和格勒诺布尔弄来的奶酪饼、奶油卷、奶油千层饼、花色小蛋糕,另有柏林的水果蛋糕、稞麦面包、姜汁面包、维也纳的杏仁果酱饼、巧克力饼和分别从匈牙利和安卡拉搞来的包馅卷饼和果仁蛋糕。每天早上,米洛都要向欧洲和北非派遣飞机,飞机上拖著两条长长的红色广告标牌,上面用大大的方体字写著当天的特色商品:“注意:有圆腿肉,七十九美分……鳍鱼,二十一美分。”他还将两条这样的牌子租给了佩特牛奶公司、盖恩斯狗食公司以及诺克泽默公司,大大提高了辛迪加联合体的现金收入。为了体现自己有愿意为公众服务的公民意识,他还常常在空中广告里留出一些位置,免费为佩克姆将军做公益宣传广告,如“要讲究整洁”,“欲速则不达”,还有“做祈祷的家庭永不离散”。在柏林,阿克西斯·萨利和霍·霍爵士这两位大名鼎鼎的广播员每天都要主持宣传性的广播节目,而米洛居然花钱买到了这些节目的广告插播权,以促他的业务。就这样,他的生意在各前线战场都做得很红火。
米洛的飞机成了人们司空见惯的东西。它们享有自由,在各处随便通行。有一天米洛同美军当局签订了一份合同,由他负责去轰炸德军在奥尔维那托守卫的一座公路桥,同时又同德军当局签订了由他来守护该大桥的合同,用高射炮火来对付他自己策划的攻击。为美军轰炸桥梁,米洛可得到轰炸的全部成本费用外加百分之六的酬金,为德军守护大桥的协议款项也是如此,只不过还附加了一条,即他每击落一架美军飞机,德方将付给他一千美元奖金。 米洛强调指出,这些交易的圆满成功标志著私有企业的重大胜利,因为两国的军队都是社会化的团体。这两个合同一经签订,无论是炸桥还是守桥,似乎都无需让辛迪加联合体破费一文,因为双方的政府有的是现成的人力和物力来做这些事情,更何况双方都非常心甘情愿地投入。结果,米洛通过他的双边谋划实现了巨额利润,而他所做的仅仅是签了两次名而已。 这个安排对双方都很公平。一方面,由于米洛有在各处随意通行的自由,因此他的飞机可以悄悄潜入德军阵地进行偷袭,而不会惊动德军的高射炮火;而另一方面,由于米洛知道袭击行动,因此他有充分的时间向德军的高射炮手发出警告,待美军飞机一进入他们的炮火射程,就准确地向它们开火。除了尤塞瑞恩帐篷里的那个死人以外,没有一个人不认为这是一个绝妙的策划。 当天,那家伙刚飞到目标上空就被击中,丧了命。
“你瞧瞧他们,”他大声说,因感情激动而有些透不过气来。“他们是我的朋友,我的同胞,我的战友。任何人都不会拥有比他们这么一群人更好的伙伴了。难道你认为我会做出一桩伤害他们的事情吗?除非是万不得已。我现在的烦心事还不够多吗?你没看见? 为了那些堆积在埃及各个码头上的大批棉花,我已经头疼死了。” 米洛的说话声音断断续续的,突然,他像个溺水者一样,一把抓住了尤塞瑞恩的衬衣前襟。他的眼睛像一对褐色毛虫一样,醒目地眨动个不歇。“尤塞瑞恩,我该拿这么些棉花怎么办呀?这都是你的错,让我买下这么多的棉花。”
那天夜晚,丹尼卡医生带著阴郁、深沉而又无法表露的沉痛心情护理著每一个呻吟的伤员。在大队执行轰炸阿维尼翁的任务的那天,他在机场也流露出同样的沉痛表情。当时,尤塞瑞恩赤身裸体,丧魂落魄地从他的飞机的舷梯上朝下走了几级,一言不发,只是朝机舱里指了指。他那赤裸著的脚后跟、脚趾头、膝盖、手臂和手指上到处都沾满了斯诺登的鲜血。机舱里,那位年轻的无线电通讯员兼炮手全身僵硬地卧在那里,眼看就要死了,而他的旁边则躺著更年轻的尾炮手,每次只要一睁眼看到垂死的斯诺登,就立即又昏死过去。 人们把斯诺登抬出飞机,用担架抬著送进了一辆救护车。
丹尼卡医生接受了他的这一解释,将手上的注射器收了起来。 “你肯定感觉良好?”
“我感觉很好。只是你给我吃了那么多的药,打了那么多的针,我感觉自己有点呆呆的。” 在那天剩余的时间里,尤塞瑞恩就这么一丝不挂地到处走动。第二天上午,九、十点钟的时候,米洛到处找他,最后发现他坐在距那小巧的军人公墓后方不远的一棵树上,身上仍旧是精赤条条的。斯诺登即将被安葬在这里。米洛是按平时规定著装的,下著草绿色军裤,上身穿一件干净的草绿色衬衫,打著领带,衣领上那道标志中尉军衔的银杠杠闪闪发亮。他头上还戴著一顶有硬皮帽檐的军帽。
“这就是生命之树,”尤塞瑞恩回答说,一边晃动著他的脚趾头。 “也是识别善恶之树。”
“我不想穿。” 米洛像麻雀啄食那样飞快地连连点头。“我明白了,我明白了,”他忙不迭地说,但脸上却现出一片迷茫。“我完全理解。我听阿普尔比和布莱克上尉说你疯了,我只想弄个清楚。”出于礼貌,他又犹豫了一会,斟酌著下一句问话。“你真的以后再也不穿制服了?”
米洛熟练地做了一个表示痛苦的怪相,然后将脸转开。“我希望你不要老是拿你帐篷里的那个死人来找我的茬,”他用愠怒的语气恳求道,“我跟你说过,那人被打死同我一点关系也没有。我看到了这个垄断埃及棉花市场的大好机会,结果给咱们大伙惹来了麻烦,这难道是我的错?难道我应该有未卜先知的本领,事先就知道会出现棉花供应过剩?那时我连供应过剩是怎么回事都不知道。垄断市场的机会是不常有的,我遇到这样的机会能一把抓住就够精明的了。”米洛本想发出一声呜咽,可他忍住了,因为这时他看到六个身穿制服的抬灵柩的人把一口简陋的棺材从救护车上抬了下来,轻轻放在那条狭长的裂口,那口新挖的墓穴旁边。 “可现在我连一个子儿的棉花也卖不出去。”
“我希望你把制服穿起来,不要像这样一丝不挂地到处乱跑。” 在他重新爬下树匆匆离去之前,他忧郁地向尤塞瑞恩吐露了自己的担忧。“你这样有可能会带出一股风气,这一来我的那些该死的棉花就永远也脱不了手了。

第二十四章 Chapter 24



It is April, and Milo is busy conducting his business with a colonel in Sardinia. He promises to bring the colonel casaba melons from Damascus and lamb chops from Portugal if the colonel will lend him some planes. A fighter plane commander who refuses to fly Milo is transferred to the Solomon Islands.

Miloós planes fly everywhere. His planes carry the name "M & M Enterprises"; he even has German bombers working for his syndicate. One day, Cathcart wants to confiscate the German bombers that Milo has brought in from Madagascar, but Milo will have none of it. Miloós business has spread over all of Europe, except Russia.

Milo signs a contract with the American military authorities to bomb a German- held bridge and signed with German authorities to defend the same bridge from an American attack. Mudd is killed on this mission. Yossarian accuses Milo of killing Mudd, but Milo reiterates that he was merely fulfilling his business obligation. Milo receives a thousand dollars from the Germans for every American aircraft shot down at Orvieto.

The purchase of Egyptian cotton in Cairo has nearly caused the ruin of Miloós enterprise. There is no market for to sell the cotton. Milo comes up with all kinds of innovations, including chocolate covered cotton, hoping to sell it to the American soldiers. Meanwhile, Milo has signed a contract with the Germans to bomb his own squadron. He fulfills the terms of his contract and bombs Pianosa one night, much to the chagrin of Cathcart and the other officers. Milo is condemned as a traitor, but when he opens his account books and discloses the profit he has made by bombing his own unit, he is forgiven.


Milo says that the syndicate is for everyone, but it is his name alone that is on the airplanes. He does not care that he brings about the deaths of American soldiers by signing a contract with the Germans. He even bombs his own squadron in the middle of the night. The only thing that concerns him is business. He misuses Air Force planes to make a nice profit for himself. He becomes immensely popular among the officers because he brings them all kinds of exotic and tasty food. In a moment of supreme irony, Milo announces that he would prefer his syndicate fight the war instead of the government.

As a contrast to Milo, we have Daneeka's conscientious efforts to save the lives of the men that Miloós planes have shot down at Pianosa. Once again, there is a description of Yossarian in the tree at Snowdenós funeral.


April had been the best month of all for Milo. Lilacs bloomed in April and fruit ripened on the vine. Heartbeats quickened and old appetites were renewed. In April a livelier iris gleamed upon the burnished dove. April was spring, and in the spring Milo Minderbinder's fancy had lightly turned to thoughts of tangerines.


    'Yes, sir.'

    'My men would love tangerines,' admitted the colonel in Sardinia who commanded four squadrons of B-26s.

    'There'll be all the tangerines they can eat that you're able to pay for with money from your mess fund,' Milo assured him.

    'Casaba melons?'

    'Are going for a song in Damascus.'

    'I have a weakness for casaba melons. I've always had a weakness for casaba melons.'

    'Just lend me one plane from each squadron, just one plane, and you'll have all the casabas you can eat that you've money to pay for.'

    'We buy from the syndicate?'

    'And everybody has a share.'

    'It's amazing, positively amazing. How can you do it?'

    'Mass purchasing power makes the big difference. For example, breaded veal cutlets.'

    'I'm not so crazy about breaded veal cutlets,' grumbled the skeptical B-25 commander in the north of Corsica.

    'Breaded veal cutlets are very nutritious,' Milo admonished him piously. 'They contain egg yolk and bread crumbs. And so are lamb chops.'

    'Ah, lamb chops,' echoed the B-25 commander. 'Good lamb chops?'

    'The best,' said Milo, 'that the black market has to offer.'

    'Baby lamb chops?'

    'In the cutest little pink paper panties you ever saw. Are going for a song in Portugal.'

    'I can't send a plane to Portugal. I haven't the authority.'

    'I can, once you lend the plane to me. With a pilot to fly it. And don't forget-you'll get General Dreedle.'

    'Will General Dreedle eat in my mess hall again?'

    'Like a pig, once you start feeding him my best white fresh eggs fried in my pure creamery butter. There'll be tangerines too, and casaba melons, honeydews, filet of Dover sole, baked Alaska, and cockles and mussels.'

    'And everybody has a share?'

    'That,' said Milo, 'is the most beautiful part of it.'

    'I don't like it,' growled the unco-operative fighter-plane commander, who didn't like Milo either.

    'There's an unco-operative fighter-plane commander up north who's got it in for me,' Milo complained to General Dreedle. 'It takes just one person to ruin the whole thing, and then you wouldn't have your fresh eggs fried in my pure creamery butter any more.' General Dreedle had the unco-operative fighter-plane commander transferred to the Solomon Islands to dig graves and replaced him with a senile colonel with bursitis and a craving for litchi nuts who introduced Milo to the B-17 general on the mainland with a yearning for Polish sausage.

    'Polish sausage is going for peanuts in Cracow,' Milo informed him.

    'Polish sausage,' sighed the general nostalgically. 'You know, I'd give just about anything for a good hunk of Polish sausage. Just about anything.'

    'You don't have to give anything. Just give me one plane for each mess hall and a pilot who will do what he's told. And a small down payment on your initial order as a token of good faith.'

    'But Cracow is hundreds of miles behind the enemy lines. How will you get to the sausage?'

    'There's an international Polish sausage exchange in Geneva. I'll just fly the peanuts into Switzerland and exchange them for Polish sausage at the open market rate. They'll fly the peanuts back to Cracow and I'll fly the Polish sausage back to you. You buy only as much Polish sausage as you want through the syndicate. There'll be tangerines too, with only a little artificial coloring added. And eggs from Malta and Scotch from Sicily. You'll be paying the money to yourself when you buy from the syndicate, since you'll own a share, so you'll really be getting everything you buy for nothing. Doesn't that makes sense?'

    'Sheer genius. How in the world did you ever think of it?'

    'My name is Milo Minderbinder. I am twenty-seven years old.' Milo Minderbinder's planes flew in from everywhere, the pursuit planes, bombers, and cargo ships streaming into Colonel Cathcart's field with pilots at the controls who would do what they were told. The planes were decorated with flamboyant squadron emblems illustrating such laudable ideals as Courage, Might, Justice, Truth, Liberty, Love, Honor and Patriotism that were painted out at once by Milo's mechanics with a double coat of flat white and replaced in garish purple with the stenciled name M & M ENTERPRISES, FINE FRUITS AND PRODUCE. The 'M & M' In 'M & M ENTERPRISES' stood for Milo & Minderbinder, and the & was inserted, Milo revealed candidly, to nullify any impression that the syndicate was a one-man operation. Planes arrived for Milo from airfields in Italy, North Africa and England, and from Air Transport Command stations in Liberia, Ascension Island, Cairo, and Karachi. Pursuit planes were traded for additional cargo ships or retained for emergency invoice duty and small-parcel service; trucks and tanks were procured from the ground forces and used for short-distance road hauling. Everybody had a share, and men got fat and moved about tamely with toothpicks in their greasy lips. Milo supervised the whole expanding operation by himself. Deep otter-brown lines of preoccupation etched themselves permanently into his careworn face and gave him a harried look of sobriety and mistrust. Everybody but Yossarian thought Milo was a jerk, first for volunteering for the job of mess officer and next for taking it so seriously. Yossarian also thought that Milo was a jerk; but he also knew that Milo was a genius.

    One day Milo flew away to England to pick up a load of Turkish halvah and came flying back from Madagascar leading four German bombers filled with yams, collards, mustard greens and black-eyed Georgia peas. Milo was dumbfounded when he stepped down to the ground and found a contingent of armed M.P.s waiting to imprison the German pilots and confiscate their planes. Confiscate! The mere word was anathema to him, and he stormed back and forth in excoriating condemnation, shaking a piercing finger of rebuke in the guilt-ridden faces of Colonel Cathcart, Colonel Korn and the poor battle-scarred captain with the submachine gun who commanded the M.P.s.

    'Is this Russia?' Milo assailed them incredulously at the top of his voice. 'Confiscate?' he shrieked, as though he could not believe his own ears. 'Since when is it the policy of the American government to confiscate the private property of its citizens? Shame on you! Shame on all of you for even thinking such a horrible thought.'

    'But Milo,' Major Danby interrupted timidly, 'we're at war with Germany, and those are German planes.'

    'They are no such thing!' Milo retorted furiously. 'Those planes belong to the syndicate, and everybody has a share. Confiscate? How can you possibly confiscate your own private property? Confiscate, indeed! I've never heard anything so depraved in my whole life.' And sure enough, Milo was right, for when they looked, his mechanics had painted out the German swastikas on the wings, tails and fuselages with double coats of flat white and stenciled in the words M & M ENTERPRISES, FINE FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Right before their eyes he had transformed his syndicate into an international cartel.

    Milo's argosies of plenty now filled the air. Planes poured in from Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden, Finland, Poland-from everywhere in Europe, in fact, but Russia, with whom Milo refused to do business. When everybody who was going to had signed up with M & M Enterprises, Fine Fruits and Produce, Milo created a wholly owned subsidiary, M & M Fancy Pastry, and obtained more airplanes and more money from the mess funds for scones and crumpets from the British Isles, prune and cheese Danish from Copenhagen, é;clairs, cream puffs, Napoleons and petits fours from Paris, Reims and Grenoble, Kugelhopf, pumpernickel and Pfefferkuchen from Berlin, Linzer and Dobos Torten from Vienna, Strudel from Hungary and baklava from Ankara. Each morning Milo sent planes aloft all over Europe and North Africa hauling long red tow signs advertising the day's specials in large square letters: 'EYEROUND, 79¢;… WHITING, 21¢;。' He boosted cash income for the syndicate by leasing tow signs to Pet Milk, Gaines Dog Food, and Noxzema. In a spirit of civic enterprise, he regularly allotted a certain amount of free aerial advertising space to General Peckem for the propagation of such messages in the public interest as NEATNESS COUNTS, HASTE MAKES WASTE, and THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER. Milo purchased spot radio announcements on Axis Sally's and Lord Haw Haw's daily propaganda broadcasts from Berlin to keep things moving. Business boomed on every battlefront.

    Milo's planes were a familiar sight. They had freedom of passage everywhere, and one day Milo contracted with the American military authorities to bomb the German-held highway bridge at Orvieto and with the German military authorities to defend the highway bridge at Orvieto with antiaircraft fire against his own attack. His fee for attacking the bridge for America was the total cost of the operation plus six per cent and his fee from Germany for defending the bridge was the same cost-plus-six agreement augmented by a merit bonus of a thousand dollars for every American plane he shot down. The consummation of these deals represented an important victory for private enterprise, he pointed out, since the armies of both countries were socialized institutions. Once the contracts were signed, there seemed to be no point in using the resources of the syndicate to bomb and defend the bridge, inasmuch as both governments had ample men and material right there to do so and were perfectly happy to contribute them, and in the end Milo realized a fantastic profit from both halves of his project for doing nothing more than signing his name twice.

    The arrangements were fair to both sides. Since Milo did have freedom of passage everywhere, his planes were able to steal over in a sneak attack without alerting the German antiaircraft gunners; and since Milo knew about the attack, he was able to alert the German antiaircraft gunners in sufficient time for them to begin firing accurately the moment the planes came into range. It was an ideal arrangement for everyone but the dead man in Yossarian's tent, who was killed over the target the day he arrived.

    'I didn't kill him!' Milo kept replying passionately to Yossarian's angry protest. 'I wasn't even there that day, I tell you. Do you think I was down there on the ground firing an antiaircraft gun when the planes came over?'

    'But you organized the whole thing, didn't you?' Yossarian shouted back at him in the velvet darkness cloaking the path leading past the still vehicles of the motor pool to the open-air movie theater.

    'And I didn't organize anything,' Milo answered indignantly, drawing great agitated sniffs of air in through his hissing, pale, twitching nose. 'The Germans have the bridge, and we were going to bomb it, whether I stepped into the picture or not. I just saw a wonderful opportunity to make some profit out of the mission, and I took it. What's so terrible about that?'

    'What's so terrible about it? Milo, a man in my tent was killed on that mission before he could even unpack his bags.'

    'But I didn't kill him.'

    'You got a thousand dollars extra for it.'

    'But I didn't kill him. I wasn't even there, I tell you. I was in Barcelona buying olive oil and skinless and boneless sardines, and I've got the purchase orders to prove it. And I didn't get the thousand dollars. That thousand dollars went to the syndicate, and everybody got a share, even you.' Milo was appealing to Yossarian from the bottom of his soul. 'Look, I didn't start this war, Yossarian, no matter what that lousy Wintergreen is saying. I'm just trying to put it on a businesslike basis. Is anything wrong with that? You know, a thousand dollars ain't such a bad price for a medium bomber and a crew. If I can persuade the Germans to pay me a thousand dollars for every plane they shoot down, why shouldn't I take it?'

    'Because you're dealing with the enemy, that's why. Can't you understand that we're fighting a war? People are dying. Look around you, for Christ's sake!' Milo shook his head with weary forbearance. 'And the Germans are not our enemies,' he declared. 'Oh I know what you're going to say. Sure, we're at war with them. But the Germans are also members in good standing of the syndicate, and it's my job to protect their rights as shareholders. Maybe they did start the war, and maybe they are killing millions of people, but they pay their bills a lot more promptly than some allies of ours I could name. Don't you understand that I have to respect the sanctity of my contract with Germany? Can't you see it from my point of view?'

    'No,' Yossarian rebuffed him harshly.

    Milo was stung and made no effort to disguise his wounded feelings. It was a muggy, moonlit night filled with gnats, moths, and mosquitoes. Milo lifted his arm suddenly and pointed toward the open-air theater, where the milky, dust-filled beam bursting horizontally from the projector slashed a conelike swath in the blackness and draped in a fluorescent membrane of light the audience tilted on the seats there in hypnotic sags, their faces focused upward toward the aluminized movie screen. Milo's eyes were liquid with integrity, and his artless and uncorrupted face was lustrous with a shining mixture of sweat and insect repellent.

    'Look at them,' he exclaimed in a voice choked with emotion. 'They're my friends, my countrymen, my comrades in arms. A fellow never had a better bunch of buddies. Do you think I'd do a single thing to harm them if I didn't have to? Haven't I got enough on my mind? Can't you see how upset I am already about all that cotton piling up on those piers in Egypt?' Milo's voice splintered into fragments, and he clutched at Yossarian's shirt front as though drowning. His eyes were throbbing visibly like brown caterpillars. 'Yossarian, what am I going to do with so much cotton? It's all your fault for letting me buy it.' The cotton was piling up on the piers in Egypt, and nobody wanted any. Milo had never dreamed that the Nile Valley could be so fertile or that there would be no market at all for the crop he had bought. The mess halls in his syndicate would not help; they rose up in uncompromising rebellion against his proposal to tax them on a per capita basis in order to enable each man to own his own share of the Egyptian cotton crop. Even his reliable friends the Germans failed him in this crisis: they preferred ersatz. Milo's mess halls would not even help him store the cotton, and his warehousing costs skyrocketed and contributed to the devastating drain upon his cash reserves. The profits from the Orvieto mission were sucked away. He began writing home for the money he had sent back in better days; soon that was almost gone. And new bales of cotton kept arriving on the wharves at Alexandria every day. Each time he succeeded in dumping some on the world market for a loss it was snapped up by canny Egyptian brokers in the Levant, who sold it back to him at the original price, so that he was really worse off than before.

    M & M Enterprises verged on collapse. Milo cursed himself hourly for his monumental greed and stupidity in purchasing the entire Egyptian cotton crop, but a contract was a contract and had to be honored, and one night, after a sumptuous evening meal, all Milo's fighters and bombers took off, joined in formation directly overhead and began dropping bombs on the group. He had landed another contract with the Germans, this time to bomb his own outfit. Milo's planes separated in a well co-ordinated attack and bombed the fuel stocks and the ordnance dump, the repair hangars and the B-25 bombers resting on the lollipop-shaped hardstands at the field. His crews spared the landing strip and the mess halls so that they could land safely when their work was done and enjoy a hot snack before retiring. They bombed with their landing lights on, since no one was shooting back. They bombed all four squadrons, the officers' club and the Group Headquarters building. Men bolted from their tents in sheer terror and did not know in which direction to turn. Wounded soon lay screaming everywhere. A cluster of fragmentation bombs exploded in the yard of the officers' club and punched jagged holes in the side of the wooden building and in the bellies and backs of a row of lieutenants and captains standing at the bar. They doubled over in agony and dropped. The rest of the officers fled toward the two exits in panic and jammed up the doorways like a dense, howling dam of human flesh as they shrank from going farther.

    Colonel Cathcart clawed and elbowed his way through the unruly, bewildered mass until he stood outside by himself. He stared up at the sky in stark astonishment and horror. Milo's planes, ballooning serenely in over the blossoming treetops with their bomb bay doors open and wing flaps down and with their monstrous, bug-eyed, blinding, fiercely flickering, eerie landing lights on, were the most apocalyptic sight he had ever beheld. Colonel Cathcart let go a stricken gasp of dismay and hurled himself headlong into his jeep, almost sobbing. He found the gas pedal and the ignition and sped toward the airfield as fast as the rocking car would carry him, his huge flabby hands clenched and bloodless on the wheel or blaring his horn tormentedly. Once he almost killed himself when he swerved with a banshee screech of tires to avoid plowing into a bunch of men running crazily toward the hills in their underwear with their stunned faces down and their thin arms pressed high around their temples as puny shields. Yellow, orange and red fires were burning on both sides of the road. Tents and trees were in flames, and Milo's planes kept coming around interminably with their blinking white landing lights on and their bomb bay doors open. Colonel Cathcart almost turned the jeep over when he slammed the brakes on at the control tower. He leaped from the car while it was still skidding dangerously and hurtled up the flight of steps inside, where three men were busy at the instruments and the controls. He bowled two of them aside in his lunge for the nickel-plated microphone, his eyes glittering wildly and his beefy face contorted with stress. He squeezed the microphone in a bestial grip and began shouting hysterically at the top of his voice.

    'Milo, you son of a bitch! Are you crazy? What the hell are you doing? Come down! Come down!'

    'Stop hollering so much, will you?' answered Milo, who was standing there right beside him in the control tower with a microphone of his own. 'I'm right here.' Milo looked at him with reproof and turned back to his work. 'Very good, men, very good,' he chanted into his microphone. 'But I see one supply shed still standing. That will never do, Purvis-I've spoken to you about that kind of shoddy work before. Now, you go right back there this minute and try it again. And this time come in slowly… slowly. Haste makes waste, Purvis. Haste makes waste. If I've told you that once, I must have told you that a hundred times. Haste makes waste.' The loudspeaker overhead began squawking. 'Milo, this is Alvin Brown. I've finished dropping my bombs. What should I do now?'

    'Strafe,' said Milo.

    'Strafe?' Alvin Brown was shocked.

    'We have no choice,' Milo informed him resignedly. 'It's in the contract.'

    'Oh, okay, then,' Alvin Brown acquiesced. 'In that case I'll strafe.' This time Milo had gone too far. Bombing his own men and planes was more than even the most phlegmatic observer could stomach, and it looked like the end for him. High-ranking government officials poured in to investigate. Newspapers inveighed against Milo with glaring headlines, and Congressmen denounced the atrocity in stentorian wrath and clamored for punishment. Mothers with children in the service organized into militant groups and demanded revenge. Not one voice was raised in his defense. Decent people everywhere were affronted, and Milo was all washed up until he opened his books to the public and disclosed the tremendous profit he had made. He could reimburse the government for all the people and property he had destroyed and still have enough money left over to continue buying Egyptian cotton. Everybody, of course, owned a share. And the sweetest part of the whole deal was that there really was no need to reimburse the government at all.

    'In a democracy, the government is the people,' Milo explained. 'We're people, aren't we? So we might just as well keep the money and eliminate the middleman. Frankly, I'd like to see the government get out of war altogether and leave the whole field to private industry. If we pay the government everything we owe it, we'll only be encouraging government control and discouraging other individuals from bombing their own men and planes. We'll be taking away their incentive.' Milo was correct, of course, as everyone soon agreed but a few embittered misfits like Doc Daneeka, who sulked cantankerously and muttered offensive insinuations about the morality of the whole venture until Milo mollified him with a donation, in the name of the syndicate, of a lightweight aluminum collapsible garden chair that Doc Daneeka could fold up conveniently and carry outside his tent each time Chief White Halfoat came inside his tent and carry back inside his tent each time Chief White Halfoat came out. Doc Daneeka had lost his head during Milo's bombardment; instead of running for cover, he had remained out in the open and performed his duty, slithering along the ground through shrapnel, strafing and incendiary bombs like a furtive, wily lizard from casualty to casualty, administering tourniquets, morphine, splints and sulfanilamide with a dark and doleful visage, never saying one word more than he had to and reading in each man's bluing wound a dreadful portent of his own decay. He worked himself relentlessly into exhaustion before the long night was over and came down with a snife the next day that sent him hurrying querulously into the medical tent to have his temperature taken by Gus and Wes and to obtain a mustard plaster and vaporizer.

    Doc Daneeka tended each moaning man that night with the same glum and profound and introverted grief he showed at the airfield the day of the Avignon mission when Yossarian climbed down the few steps of his plane naked, in a state of utter shock, with Snowden smeared abundantly all over his bare heels and toes, knees, arms and fingers, and pointed inside wordlessly toward where the young radio-gunner lay freezing to death on the floor beside the still younger tail-gunner who kept falling back into a dead faint each time he opened his eyes and saw Snowden dying.

    Doc Daneeka draped a blanket around Yossarian's shoulders almost tenderly after Snowden had been removed from the plane and carried into an ambulance on a stretcher. He led Yossarian toward his jeep. McWatt helped, and the three drove in silence to the squadron medical tent, where McWatt and Doc Daneeka guided Yossarian inside to a chair and washed Snowden off him with cold wet balls of absorbent cotton. Doc Daneeka gave him a pill and a shot that put him to sleep for twelve hours. When Yossarian woke up and went to see him, Doc Daneeka gave him another pill and a shot that put him to sleep for another twelve hours. When Yossarian woke up again and went to see him, Doc Daneeka made ready to give him another pill and a shot.

    'How long are you going to keep giving me those pills and shots?' Yossarian asked him.

    'Until you feel better.'

    'I feel all right now.' Doc Daneeka's frail suntanned forehead furrowed with surprise. 'Then why don't you put some clothes on? Why are you walking around naked?'

    'I don't want to wear a uniform any more.' Doc Daneeka accepted the explanation and put away his hypodermic syringe. 'Are you sure you feel all right?'

    'I feel fine. I'm just a little logy from all those pills and shots you've been giving me.' Yossarian went about his business with no clothes on all the rest of that day and was still naked late the next morning when Milo, after hunting everywhere else, finally found him sitting up a tree a small distance in back of the quaint little military cemetery at which Snowden was being buried. Milo was dressed in his customary business attire-olive-drab trousers, a fresh olive-drab shirt and tie, with one silver first lieutenant's bar gleaming on the collar, and a regulation dress cap with a stiff leather bill.

    'I've been looking all over for you,' Milo called up to Yossarian from the ground reproachfully.

    'You should have looked for me in this tree,' Yossarian answered. 'I've been up here all morning.'

    'Come on down and taste this and tell me if it's good. It's very important.' Yossarian shook his head. He sat nude on the lowest limb of the tree and balanced himself with both hands grasping the bough directly above. He refused to budge, and Milo had no choice but to stretch both arms about the trunk in a distasteful hug and start climbing. He struggled upward clumsily with loud grunts and wheezes, and his clothes were squashed and crooked by the time he pulled himself up high enough to hook a leg over the limb and pause for breath. His dress cap was askew and in danger of falling. Milo caught it just in time when it began slipping. Globules of perspiration glistened like transparent pearls around his mustache and swelled like opaque blisters under his eyes. Yossarian watched him impassively. Cautiously Milo worked himself around in a half circle so that he could face Yossarian. He unwrapped tissue paper from something soft, round and brown and handed it to Yossarian.

    'Please taste this and let me know what you think. I'd like to serve it to the men.'

    'What is it?' asked Yossarian, and took a big bite.

    'Chocolate-covered cotton.' Yossarian gagged convulsively and sprayed his big mouthful of chocolate-covered cotton right into Milo's face. 'Here, take it back!' he spouted angrily. 'Jesus Christ! Have you gone crazy? You didn't even take the goddam seeds out.'

    'Give it a chance, will you?' Milo begged. 'It can't be that bad. Is it really that bad?'

    'It's even worse.'

    'But I've got to make the mess halls feed it to the men.'

    'They'll never be able to swallow it.'

    'They've got to swallow it,' Milo ordained with dictatorial grandeur, and almost broke his neck when he let go with one arm to wave a righteous finger in the air.

    'Come on out here,' Yossarian invited him. 'You'll be much safer, and you can see everything.' Gripping the bough above with both hands, Milo began inching his way out on the limb sideways with utmost care and apprehension. His face was rigid with tension, and he sighed with relief when he found himself seated securely beside Yossarian. He stroked the tree affectionately. 'This is a pretty good tree,' he observed admiringly with proprietary gratitude.

    'It's the tree of life,' Yossarian answered, waggling his toes, 'and of knowledge of good and evil, too.' Milo squinted closely at the bark and branches. 'No it isn't,' he replied. 'It's a chestnut tree. I ought to know. I sell chestnuts.'

    'Have it your way.' They sat in the tree without talking for several seconds, their legs dangling and their hands almost straight up on the bough above, the one completely nude but for a pair of crepe-soled sandals, the other completely dressed in a coarse olive-drab woolen uniform with his tie knotted tight. Milo studied Yossarian diffidently through the corner of his eye, hesitating tactfully.

    'I want to ask you something,' he said at last. 'You don't have any clothes on. I don't want to butt in or anything, but I just want to know. Why aren't you wearing your uniform?'

    'I don't want to.' Milo nodded rapidly like a sparrow pecking. 'I see, I see,' he stated quickly with a look of vivid confusion. 'I understand perfectly. I heard Appleby and Captain Black say you had gone crazy, and I just wanted to find out.' He hesitated politely again, weighing his next question. 'Aren't you ever going to put your uniform on again?'

    'I don't think so.' Milo nodded with spurious vim to indicate he still understood and then sat silent, ruminating gravely with troubled misgiving. A scarlet-crested bird shot by below, brushing sure dark wings against a quivering bush. Yossarian and Milo were covered in their bower by tissue-thin tiers of sloping green and largely surrounded by other gray chestnut trees and a silver spruce. The sun was high overhead in a vast sapphire-blue sky beaded with low, isolated, puffy clouds of dry and immaculate white. There was no breeze, and the leaves about them hung motionless. The shade was feathery. Everything was at peace but Milo, who straightened suddenly with a muffled cry and began pointing excitedly.

    'Look at that!' he exclaimed in alarm. 'Look at that! That's a funeral going on down there. That looks like the cemetery. Isn't it?' Yossarian answered him slowly in a level voice. 'They're burying that kid who got killed in my plane over Avignon the other day. Snowden.'

    'What happened to him?' Milo asked in a voice deadened with awe.

    'He got killed.'

    'That's terrible,' Milo grieved, and his large brown eyes filled with tears. 'That poor kid. It really is terrible.' He bit his trembling lip hard, and his voice rose with emotion when he continued. 'And it will get even worse if the mess halls don't agree to buy my cotton. Yossarian, what's the matter with them? Don't they realize it's their syndicate? Don't they know they've all got a share?'

    'Did the dead man in my tent have a share?' Yossarian demanded caustically.

    'Of course he did,' Milo assured him lavishly. 'Everybody in the squadron has a share.'

    'He was killed before he even got into the squadron.' Milo made a deft grimace of tribulation and turned away. 'I wish you'd stop picking on me about that dead man in your tent,' he pleaded peevishly. 'I told you I didn't have anything to do with killing him. Is it my fault that I saw this great opportunity to corner the market on Egyptian cotton and got us into all this trouble? Was I supposed to know there was going to be a glut? I didn't even know what a glut was in those days. An opportunity to corner a market doesn't come along very often, and I was pretty shrewd to grab the chance when I had it.' Milo gulped back a moan as he saw six uniformed pallbearers lift the plain pine coffin from the ambulance and set it gently down on the ground beside the yawning gash of the freshly dug grave. 'And now I can't get rid of a single penny's worth,' he mourned.

    Yossarian was unmoved by the fustian charade of the burial ceremony, and by Milo's crushing bereavement. The chaplain's voice floated up to him through the distance tenuously in an unintelligible, almost inaudible monotone, like a gaseous murmur. Yossarian could make out Major Major by his towering and lanky aloofness and thought he recognized Major Danby mopping his brow with a handkerchief. Major Danby had not stopped shaking since his run-in with General Dreedle. There were strands of enlisted men molded in a curve around the three officers, as inflexible as lumps of wood, and four idle gravediggers in streaked fatigues lounging indifferently on spades near the shocking, incongruous heap of loose copperred earth. As Yossarian stared, the chaplain elevated his gaze toward Yossarian beatifically, pressed his fingers down over his eyeballs in a manner of affliction, peered upward again toward Yossarian searchingly, and bowed his head, concluding what Yossarian took to be a climactic part of the funeral rite. The four men in fatigues lifted the coffin on slings and lowered it into the grave. Milo shuddered violently.

    'I can't watch it,' he cried, turning away in anguish. 'I just can't sit here and watch while those mess halls let my syndicate die.' He gnashed his teeth and shook his head with bitter woe and resentment. 'If they had any loyalty, they would buy my cotton till it hurts so that they can keep right on buying my cotton till it hurts them some more. They would build fires and burn up their underwear and summer uniforms just to create bigger demand. But they won't do a thing. Yossarian, try eating the rest of this chocolate-covered cotton for me. Maybe it will taste delicious now.' Yossarian pushed his hand away. 'Give up, Milo. People can't eat cotton.' Milo's face narrowed cunningly. 'It isn't really cotton,' he coaxed. 'I was joking. It's really cotton candy, delicious cotton candy. Try it and see.'

    'Now you're lying.'

    'I never lie!' Milo rejoindered with proud dignity.

    'You're lying now.'

    'I only lie when it's necessary,' Milo explained defensively, averting his eyes for a moment and blinking his lashes winningly. 'This stuff is better than cotton candy, really it is. It's made out of real cotton. Yossarian, you've got to help me make the men eat it. Egyptian cotton is the finest cotton in the world.'

    'But it's indigestible,' Yossarian emphasized. 'It will make them sick, don't you understand? Why don't you try living on it yourself if you don't believe me?'

    'I did try,' admitted Milo gloomily. 'And it made me sick.' The graveyard was yellow as hay and green as cooked cabbage. In a little while the chaplain stepped back, and the beige crescent of human forms began to break up sluggishly, like flotsam. The men drifted without haste or sound to the vehicles parked along the side of the bumpy dirt road. With their heads down disconsolately, the chaplain, Major Major and Major Danby moved toward their jeeps in an ostracized group, each holding himself friendlessly several feet away from the other two.

    'It's all over,' observed Yossarian.

    'It's the end,' Milo agreed despondently. 'There's no hope left. And all because I left them free to make their own decisions. That should teach me a lesson about discipline the next time I try something like this.'

    'Why don't you sell your cotton to the government?' Yossarian suggested casually, as he watched the four men in streaked fatigues shoveling heaping bladefuls of the copper-red earth back down inside the grave.

    Milo vetoed the idea brusquely. 'It's a matter of principle,' he explained firmly. 'The government has no business in business, and I would be the last person in the world to ever try to involve the government in a business of mine. But the business of government is business,' he remembered alertly, and continued with elation. 'Calvin Coolidge said that, and Calvin Coolidge was a President, so it must be true. And the government does have the responsibility of buying all the Egyptian cotton I've got that no one else wants so that I can make a profit, doesn't it?' Milo's face clouded almost as abruptly, and his spirits descended into a state of sad anxiety. 'But how will I get the government to do it?'

    'Bribe it,' Yossarian said.

    'Bribe it!' Milo was outraged and almost lost his balance and broke his neck again. 'Shame on you!' he scolded severely, breathing virtuous fire down and upward into his rusty mustache through his billowing nostrils and prim lips. 'Bribery is against the law, and you know it. But it's not against the law to make a profit, is it? So it can't be against the law for me to bribe someone in order to make a fair profit, can it? No, of course not!' He fell to brooding again, with a meek, almost pitiable distress. 'But how will I know who to bribe?'

    'Oh, don't you worry about that,' Yossarian comforted him with a toneless snicker as the engines of the jeeps and ambulance fractured the drowsy silence and the vehicles in the rear began driving away backward. 'You make the bribe big enough and they'll find you. Just make sure you do everything right out in the open. Let everyone know exactly what you want and how much you're willing to pay for it. The first time you act guilty or ashamed, you might get into trouble.'

    'I wish you'd come with me,' Milo remarked. 'I won't feel safe among people who take bribes. They're no better than a bunch of crooks.'

    'You'll be all right,' Yossarian assured him with confidence. 'If you run into trouble, just tell everybody that the security of the country requires a strong domestic Egyptian-cotton speculating industry.'

    'It does,' Milo informed him solemnly. 'A strong Egyptian-cotton speculating industry means a much stronger America.'

    'Of course it does. And if that doesn't work, point out the great number of American families that depend on it for income.'

    'A great many American families do depend on it for income.'

    'You see?' said Yossarian. 'You're much better at it than I am. You almost make it sound true.'

    'It is true,' Milo exclaimed with a strong trace of old hauteur.

    'That's what I mean. You do it with just the right amount of conviction.'

    'You're sure you won't come with me?' Yossarian shook his head.

    Milo was impatient to get started. He stuffed the remainder of the chocolate-covered cotton ball into his shirt pocket and edged his way back gingerly along the branch to the smooth gray trunk. He threw this arms about the trunk in a generous and awkward embrace and began shinnying down, the sides of his leather-soled shoes slipping constantly so that it seemed many times he would fall and injure himself. Halfway down, he changed his mind and climbed back up. Bits of tree bark stuck to his mustache, and his straining face was flushed with exertion.

    'I wish you'd put your uniform on instead of going around naked that way,' he confided pensively before he climbed back down again and hurried away. 'You might start a trend, and then I'll never get rid of all this goldarned cotton.'

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