2010 (1)
2012 (127)
2013 (131)
2014 (153)
If U can't breathe in front of him, he probably has known your crush on him. He did not make any moves further, that only means he is not interested (enough) in you yet.
To make him interested, you need to make positive impressions to him. If you feel low in front of him, then you will never make a positive impression in person. Is there any other way to make a positive impression?
Later (no need now as I think he is not interested enough now) when you wanna know if he is interested, when he asks you what you will do on weekend, just say "I am going to see movie ABC" or "I am going dancing" or some other activities. If he is interested he will ask if you are going alone. Otherwise, he is not. You need to "blah blah" in a way to leave room for him to show interest.
你还记得施胜杰的一个相声,叫“爱优点”吗? 人都爱优点,爱优秀。