送给我的母亲今天是您的节日。今年的这个母亲节格外特别,我想给这奋斗中的日子带来一些明亮和美好。我从平时攒的不到两千幅自己很喜欢的绘画里,为您挑选了下面这32幅。明亮和美好在人们的眼睛里,记忆里,心里,也在这些作品里。看看画家是怎样用画笔,色彩,阳光,和生活中的点滴来诠释和表达它们。知道您喜欢绘画,做一份特别的礼物。祝您有一个快乐的节日! 其中15是2的局部放大,21是4的局部放大,看局部可以把笔触和细节看得更清楚些。每一幅我都尽量加上了画家的信息,可以看到每一幅大致是出自什么年代。多一半也都有画作的名字。 Click on the buttons below to change the grid view 1 . Lena Rivo, born in Crimea, USSR in 1981. "In the middle of summer"
2 . Alfred Sisley, French, 1839-1899. "Watering Place at Marly" 3 . Alfred Sisley, French, 1839-1899. "Bridge At Villeneuve La Garenne"
4 . Vincent van Gogh, Dutch, 1853-1890. "Field with Poppies", 1888 7 . John Leslie Breck, American, 1859-1899. "Studies of an Autumn Day", 1891
8 . Kay Smith, American, Brushworks Studio Gallery, Big Spring, Texas 9 . Catherine Klein, 1861-1929, born in Eylau, East Prussia
10 . Floris Arntzenius, Dutch, 1864-1925. "Autumn flowers in a ginger jar" 11 . Shabadey Alexander Nikolaevich, Ukrainian, 1968-
12 . Shabadey Alexander Nikolaevich, Ukrainian, 1968-. "Japanese quince" 15 . Alfred Sisley, French, 1839-1899. "Watering Place at Marly". Detail. 2的局部
16 . Vincent van Gogh, Dutch, 1853-1890. "Café de noche exterior", 1888 17 . Francis Livingston, American, 20th century, "Soda Gathering"
18 . Bato Dugarzhapov, Russian, 1966- 21 . Vincent van Gogh, Dutch, 1853-1890. "Field with Poppies", 1888. Detail. 4的局部
22 . Camille Pissarro, Danish French, 1830-1903. "The Louvre, Morning, Spring, 1902" 23 . Vincent van Gogh, Dutch, 1853–1890. "Le Moulin de la Galette", March 1887. Adapted
24 . Fidelia Bridges, American, 1834-1923. "January" in a series of the months 25 . Gennady Kirichenko, Ukrainian, 1968-. "Autumn day - Kirichenko Gennady"
26 . Clara Louise Bell, American, 1886-1978 27 . H. Helmantel, Dutch, 1945-. Painted in 1977
28 . Jean Paul Lemasson, French, 1897-1971. "Tristan Island in Douarnenez" 保重身体!
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zephyr your friend.