

(2010-01-26 11:31:56) 下一个

His progressive planning, tireless industry and keen judgment have helped to make our department one of the best in the field.


Being diligent, efficient, responsible and alert, Mr. A performed his job very well.


His energy and intelligence have been a great asset to this department. I have found him to be irreplaceable, invaluable and indispensable.


As an employee of this company, Mr. A has given much not only through the diligent performance of his duties, but also in his commitment to our community service.


Mr. A served in our department with distinction and is highly respected in his field by his colleagues.


I appreciate his many contributions to the betterment of this division. Every worthwhile cause and project has received his vigorous and wholehearted support for which I am very grateful.


He is a super-organizer and seems to have boundless energy and enthusiasm. Because of his long and tireless efforts, our department has become a better place to work.


During his career with this company, he has held increasingly responsible positions. His contributions have added a great deal to the success of our operations.


As a former director of the department, I can honestly say that I have never worked with anyone who is more industrious, more ambitious or more capable in his job.



I regard Mr. A highly as a person of integrity and dedication to his responsibilities. He definitely is a man of professional competence, personal strength and versatility.


During those years with us, I have found him completely trustworthy in every respect. His vision, judgment and courageous conviction have influenced our decisions and buoyed up our spirits.


He is superior in the ability to think rapidly and accurately. He has skill in detecting major factors in complex situation.


Over the past five years, Mr. A has proved to be a remarkable young man who combined all the qualities necessary to make him a topnotch employee.


Mr. A has performed his work in both a conscientious and accurate manner. He has demonstrated a sincere interest in his work and maintains a professional attitude toward it.


When Mr. A initiates a project or an idea, he will work tirelessly to see it through to a successful result.


Seeing Mr. B at work was instructive and inspiring. He could make the most demanding tasks bearable.


Not only is he skillful in face-to-face contacts, but he also expresses his ideas clearly and forcefully.


With his extensive background in business administration, I am certain Mr. A will find many opportunities to use his talents and capabilities.


It is difficult for me to describe this outstanding and dynamic young lady. However, I do envision her as having career success. I predict a great future for her.


In addition to many commendations and notes of thanks for her services over the years, Miss A received three outstanding performance ratings.


In recognition of his sustained contributions to this organization, we presented Mr. A a Superior Service Award in 2008.



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